Dance Alone

"I know I am in my fullest joy when I am dancing alone, the realization that I don't need a partner is freeing beyond belief".
Elliott Collazo

When you can dance alone you are aware of a freedom that is a different from waiting for someone to dance with or waiting to be asked.  My daughter Camille dances alone when she goes out dancing and I use to do the same thing when I'd go out for many yeas of my life.  It is when we realize that we don't need a partner that we feel the ultimate freedom just to dance to our own beat and be in our own happiness.  We don't need a partner in dance nor in life.  I am not saying that the right parnter wouldn't be nice.  I have such a partner in two of my best friends who dance salsa like "trompos", tops.  They spin like a top and my joy meter sours I admit but I don't need them to feel that feeling of happiness when I dance alone in my own living room to the salsa beat of a great Gilberto Santa Rosa song or Frankie Ruiz old school salsa music.

The other day I took myself out to eat and as I sat down and they removed all three of four place settings I became prouder of myself and the step taken to take myself out to eat.  There is another thing that I do alone that brings me great joy and that does not need a partner to enjoy it.  I end up loving my own company and the company of the waiter or waitress that is serving me as I joke and become a playful person, even more than if I were with someone else.  The happiness I experience comes from the great food I eat and the company that is there to enjoy.  I can't tell you how many times I have been tempted to sit with another person who is eating alone and just breaking the ice for the fun of it.  I think one day I know I will crash someones alone dinner party but until then I am going to enjoy my dinners alone just as I enjoy the dances.

Then there are the movies that I have seen alone, the last one was with Jane Fonda who is one of my favorite actors.  I fitted myself up in my favorite jeans, white shirt and sweater and off I went.  This paticular time I was one of two men in the theater watching a movie that really might be considered a chick flick: "This is where I say Goodbye".  Be it one person or ten it does not matter to me because I got Elliott to get up, get dressed, and drive to the theater where there are lounge chairs.  I took the time to be with Elliott and again dance alone, enjoy alone, eat along and be with myself.  It is my favorite thing to do and when I travel it's the best time ever.

Some might say I am desperate traveling alone.  I have been doing this for many years now and I have become a lover of vacations alone.  I love being in a bed alone, bathing for a half hour and getting up at noon.  I love talking to strangers on the buses of Mexico and my favorite time was when I went to Greece and found myself sipping coffee with a Greek man at two in the morning who took the time to make me an expresso and was interested in what I may have to share.  Then the next day the young man who was talking about girl  problems took me to dinner and shared his take on Greek men and women, relationships and the ultimate white and blue homes.  Never mind the friends who were hanging around at six am in the morning by the beach who I eneded up having a talk with till noon and then took a boat to the other side of the island along with some family from Spain.  The couple and their children were delighting in the fact that I spoke Spanish.

The times I have danced alone have been the ultimate message of love for me.  Even though dancing with others is nice, it is better to know that one does not need a partner.  As I listen to Luis Miguel and his lyrics: "if you dare forget me I will forget you" I think how tragic it must be to depend on someone else to dance your dance, travel or just live life fully.  Today I have come to the conclusion that I don't need a partner and that if it were to happen it would only add to my already great life.  Even though I may be in a battle there is nothing more relieving than to know this truth.  If I dare dance with myself I hope I will inspire others to do the same.  If my daughter dances alone I see how she has inspired me to dance alone and not think any longer that I need any partner to dance or to eat with as long as God is dancing with me.


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