Making a Sanctuary (continued)

The last we spoke I described a house where the owner was in my opinion completely detached from his environment.  A home that was in such disarray that nothing could really be a good explanation for why it was so absent of love and care.  The only thing one could even imagine is that the person was unhealed from whatever it was he had  needed healing from.  Needless to say when we live in a place that is dirty and unhealthy there is something truly wrong.  Whatever that is remains a sccret as long as the person lies to himself about it.  I share this thought because I cannot overemphasize the importance of being in communion with your home, not your house, but your home and making it a home requires work and meaning and a sense of responsibility to oneself.

As I continue the dialog about my own ideas of home I go to my office.  For some reason this is the room that is my most sacred space where I place my Spiritual Psychology diploma proudly and where there is a god like atmosphere created by Buhhda faces on the wall and a baby Buhhda next to the computer where my grandfather's picture rests.  On the other side of the computer there is an Indian latern of sorts hanging and nearby is my hand drum with the wooden drum stick.  I also have a picture of my grandkids on the desk and inside a shadow box an array of pictures of objects I like and that feed my creative side.  Across from the L-shaped desk are two leather club chairs that are quite masculine and are a carmel color.  The chair faces the large window that faces the lake in the back yard, making it an even more tranquil space for me.  The desk is a black brown wood but more black looking andd the walls were to be painted in a light blue, now I am thinking more of a rustic orange accent wall only to bring out the female Buhhdas and add a flair of India to the room.  Then I will add the throw from India and it will be complete.  Often times we see an office just as an office and nothing else.  I remember walking into a co-workers office where she had a painting by Deigo Rivera and the wall was a bright blue.  It felt so inviting a warm to me and I told her so.  She agreed and then stated that it was intentional.  She intended it to feel warmer by adding the art with lillies in the room.  She made it more of a sacred and peaceful space by doing so and this can be done in any office space.  It does not have to be cold or sterile just because it's an office.  It can be warm and inviting like any other room in your home and serve as a space to pray or meditate or write and make out your bills.  Mine is as I descirbe it and I am sure that others might view it differently.  Not everyone likes dark furniture and not everyone likes Buhhdas like I do.  But your office space can continue to be an extension of who you are and what makes you happy.  There you can often times surround yourself with pictures of people you love as people often do and make it a color that vibrates for your spirit.  It can even have a daybed in it like I once had if the space is large enough.  Of course books can be a part of the decor so pull out some nice hard covered books you love and add some color that way.  Lighting is very important in an office and my best bet is to use a swing lamp.  I love desk lamps that swing or swivel because they direct light where you need it and they look great.  Mine is called the "dove" lame because it is shaped much like a bird, slim and modern, matt black with two different watts of light.  One dimmer for when you just want to accent the room and one for practical use.
the L-shaped cabinet has a cabinet top on it with glass doors so I put a couple of bowls inside there and some books.  With glass doors you want to be careful what you put inside because of course it is going to be seen and should be attractive an match the rest of the decorative accessories.  On top of the desk right at the edge is a long peice of wood that says "believe".  I like words like that around me because it reminds me of what I sometimes need a reminder of.  Believe in myself, believe in others, believe in love, believe in God.  I have others around the home: Cuccina, Imagine, Live.  The Live one I got in California when I was treating myself for cancer and I felt like I needed that reminder.  In the children's room I have both their names on display in white wood letters.  Although you may not want words around your home you may want to consider at least one that is meaningful to you or that you need a reminder of or something you value like the word Family.  Like monogramming it adds some personalized flavor to your home.  My office is a special place for me but others may just want it to be an office to sit and pay bills or read your emails.  I like the idea of making every room special and as meaningful as possible.
more later....


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