Nine Step Prayer

I have been reading which is how I have started many blogs and by now you might be sick of, but I really have been reading a lot and finally finished "Miracle Prayer".  I kept reading and reading and wondering: What is the point?  Well finally I know now what her point was or is, at least for me.

In this text the nine step prayer begins with a goal and that goal can be for you or someone else or both.  It is much like an intention as I understand it but more important than this it is prayer with a purpose.  I needd this book because all this time I have been asking others to pray I have been having trouble praying for myself.  Interest how when we are in the mix of it we have so much trouble addressing our own needs.  We think that God only gives those of us who are good boys what we need or want, whether it is a car, a home a broom or some new undies.

The first step to the nine step prayer askes us to hone in on what we want to happen and for whom.  It is a goal as she puts it, the goal of our prayer energy.  I know that you all are sick of me but I will share mine with you so that you are familiar with what this first step is.  I want to remind you that I am not the expert nor the inventor of such a prayer and that this is my interpretation of it.

1: My Goal: This treatment (prayer) is for myself, Elliott Collazo for my perfect and graceful health throughout my entire body, every cell and every part of me.  The elimination of any cancerous cells or cancer in my body and the restoration to good health.

There you have it my friends.  This is one of two of my prayer goals.  At first I thought it selfish to want this for myself.  At first I thought it egotistic to ask God for perfect health.  IT was hard to ask for this from God and yet what I know is that this is truly what I want most and that god like me just as much as he likes you and that I am worthy of a response to my prayer.  I even shared this with others asking that they pray in this manner using these words exactly.  There is no longer any shame over this request but rather feel grateful that I can now find a purpose to my own praying.  Whether this is the answer or not doesn't matter.  I will pray for good health until God answers me.


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