Prayer Step 2

In the secons step of your prayer 9 step prayer you are recognizing and glorifying God knowing fully that he is the source.  Here is where you acknowledge that only God can answer your prayers with his infinite wisdom.  This is my second step to my prayer and I see it as a continuation of my prayer, the part that acknowledges God.  This second part of your prayer must relate to your goal, in my case my health and healing goal.  My sacred prayer for healing and wholeness.  In this section of my prayer I feel confident that God is the instrument to my becoming healed.

2. Recognition (Glorification): God is the almighty and ultimate healing agent and the curing power in my life.  God is my source of good health and well being in every aspect of my life.  He is the only physician that I need to be healed completely.  He alone can create a miracle in my body and in my being.  Glory to god in the highest for he is the source of love and he is the source of my physical well being.

Your second part of  your prayer is connected to your goal.  What you want to manfiest through prayer.  In mine I state that god is the only doctor I need to become whole and healed.  I watch every word that I use because the wording needs to be positive and affirming as though it has already happened and it already will be the case.  As you word the second section of your prayer make sure that it affimrs that God is the only source of power you need to accomplish your treatment, whether the treatment is for yourself someone else.

This part feels like faith to me.  Having the faith that God is going to address your needs no matter what those needs are and that he will answer your prayers.  It is about not having any doubts.  This is going to happen and it is going to happen easily and with grace.

Now you are ready to write part two of your prayer: Recognizing and Glorifying God.


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