Fashion at Any Age

As often happens something inspires me to write a blog and this evening it is the movie "Advanced Style" about a young man who decided to document women's street fashion in New York.  His focus would be on women over fifty and most sixty to ninety years of age.  He simply hit the streets of New York and because New York is after all the fashion capital of the world he got an eye full and ended up bringing a lot of attention to women of age and fashion, some of which were later used in fashion spreads and whom he made famous simply by bringing them to the public eye in his "advanced women's" fashion blog.  I was so excited to find this movie on Netflix and just had this strong feeling that it was going to be awesome and it was.  It was a powerful documentary and it showed that fashion and being fashionable does not have an age limit.  Of course the person behind it ended up writing a book called "Advanced Fashion".  I was jumping for joy at the thought of fashion not having an age limit because I have always believed that fashion does not have an age limit.  I can only hope to live long enough to strut my own sense of style and my own personal fashion.  It was clearly a documentary that affirms what I already believed in.

I think that many times people get older they seem to give up on fashion or presenting themselves in a beautiful way.  Not I.  I love fashion and I love displaying my artistic and creative side through clothing.  I give myself permission to continue to wear what I think is cool, lovely or fahionable.  What I think is beautiful and interesting.  I like all types of fashion  but love to update the American look like a tan pant that is more fitted with a fitted plaid shirt with more vivid colors in it and adding a cropped navy jacket.  Even now with my colostomy I refuse to allow it to stop me from wearing most of what I like and what I find interesting and fun.

Fashion is an inner expression that we show on the outside.  It says something about us and it makes each of us unique if we want to express that fact about us.  Fashion is art and of course my contention is that as a male you add a scarf and all of a sudden you look like a little Picasso.  You add a colorful pocket square and you make a jacket and shirt pop.  It gives it a little more flare.  I just love silk pocket squares because they do add something unique to the jacket and your outfit.  Fashion is fun to me and it makes me feel good.  I am particularly amused by mixing sporty tops with dressy pants or using gym pants with a jacket or wearing a bow tie with a Polo shirt.  I say have as much fun with it as you want to.  Enjoy your wardrobe and make it comfortable for you.

I think that it is always in whether you wear it well or not.  You can either wear it well and be proud of what your clothing expresses or be a wall flower.  People who look great have a confidence about what they have on and how they present it.  They know how to walk in heels and move in a dress.  They have that freedom to be who they are without aplogies.  So many times we see how others criticize people for what they are wearing, even making fun of it.  Yet everyone has their own style in New York.  People don't care what others think so much there as they do in Chicago where we are a little more conservative about what we wear.  In my time people have called me "The Matrix" because of this fitted Armani coat I use to wear that looked very Matrix like the fashion in the movie "The Matrix".  I think people need to find an explanation for someone who dresses different or something to relate it to in order to make it consumable for them.  I find that amusing, that we have to lable people who are wearing a bow tie with an explanation like Gatsby or the popcorn guy.  I think fashion sometimes makes some people uncomfortable.

I recall a friend of my sisters who happens to be Jewish.  She had this fashion story that was all about Mexico and Frida.  She wore garments that looked like traditional Mexican clothing with a modern touch and always looked very egocentric.  I remember walking in New York with her and how so many people knew who she was.  People even called her by name.  It was because she took the risk to be who she was and express her fashion in the manner she wished with braids streaming accross her forehead and long skirts with colorful ribbons layered on top of one another.  She would be who she was in her own way and expressed fashion in her own way.  It seemed like people either loved it or didn't but it did not ever matter to ber.  As it turned out she ended up moving to Mexico and has been living there for many years now adopting the culture and living happily still expressing her unique style.

I love clothing.  I love how it can show a side of us people cannot see inside or know unless we showed it.  Fashion is not just for young people but for everyone.  Age is certainly not a factor.  I say express yourself.  I say be who you are and don't let anyone tell you what your fashion is or should be.  I know that I am going to be strutting my stuff for as long as possible and wearing some of the things people will stare at me for whether for good reason or not.


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