Fun Funny Friday

As is at times so common for me, I got up feeling a little lost at first.  I think that his happens because I have this expectation that suddenly things will change which does happen but just not in the way I want it to happen.  I had a dream about my mother's X-husband whereby he was demonstrating a gadget he had put together from an electical cord and a box.  He told me that the gadget he invented blew firecrackers in various colorations.  I was impressed and at the same time asked him why he'd not submitted it to Shark Tank, the show on TV that invests in people's inventions, some of which become very wealthy.  I wondered why I had this dream and what it meant.  What came out of it was this ideaa to just have some fun.  It looked to me that he had so much fun putting together this invention.  He smiled from ear to ear when I asked him about it and he explained it to me.

So today I declare it to be Fun Funny Friday.  I even texted my pastor those very words.  I want to turn this day into a fun day at every turn and every chance I get.  When the chance arises I am going to turn it into fun or into a funny attitude.  All day is going to be about being a little wacky with a little class, just enjoying the day and the experiences I have during the day and finding humor in circumstances and situations.  I think it is going to be a fun day because that is exactly what I would like it to be, fun.  Everything I do  will be done with a light hearted attitude and an attitude of child like fun.  Nothing I do will be too serious starting with my reaction to the cold weather outside.  The first thing is to put on some warm clothing and just think of the weather as an opportunity to wear my fun orange lively colored scarf and my fur coat, having fun with the weather that I am given.

Now it is your turn to have a Fun Funny Friday.  Tell a joke at work, tell your partner something funny, do something fun today.  Don't take anything serious and leavc the heavy stuff behind you.  Feel your inner fun child and do some things that a child would do like jumping rope or twirling around to music.  Watch a fun movie and make it about positive and fun TV programs today.  Refuse to be so serious about anything all day long but rather see the fun and humor in everything and every person you encounter. Laugh on purpose.  In fact lay on the floor and just force the laughter out of you holding your tummy as if someone has told you the best joke.  Make this your Fun Funny Day!


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