Taylor Swift

I am unsure as to why Taylor's hit song "Shake It Off" is so catchy and fun to me.  I happen to love it and I especially love the meaning of it.  I likely should not admit it since I am after all a sixty year old man but when I heard it the first time I downloaded it to my iPhone and thought: "this song is going to be a big hit".  In fact I shared it with my granddaughter who shared that she was just not a fan of hers.  Then a few days later I go into Molly's Cupcakes to have some coffee and my favorite cupcake with chocolate and peanut butter and there it is again playing at the cafe as the workers sing along to it. and I shake to it in my seat.

Somehow that song has a deeper meaning for me than some of the others out now because of what is going on in my life.  A pending divorce, a health opportunity and what I can imagine people might be saying about all of it.  Not only what others are saying but also how I feel and how I need to "shake it off" knowing that I do my best in life and that I am completely fine and worthy as I am here and now.  That people are going to talk and have their opinions about my divorce and about my life but I know who I am and what I stand for means something.  Taylor hit it one the nose when she came up with this song at this time in my life that's what I think and I am sticking to it.

In the song lyrics she says: Players are going to play, play, play and the haters are going to hate, hate, hate, hate.  That is so true to life.  People are going to have their own agenda and their own thoughts about you and what you are doing but you have to just keep doing what you think is right.  We all make mistakes and no one is harder on us than us and when that gets compounded by what others think of us it can get crazy.  We have to then know who we are and hace the conviction to stay true to ourselves.  What people think stops at what people think and it is as it should be.  We should not let it go any futher than that.

So whatever it is that you think of yourself that is not loving and kind, "shake it off" and whatever you think or know others are saying about you "shake it off" as well.  Keep loving yourself back to good heath both physically and emotionally and do the things that make you happy like taking a winter get away to Florida or Mexico or just wearing an outfit that makes you feel good.  Even something as simple as taking yourself to the movies because let's face it, the "haters are going to hate and the players are going to play and it is best to shake it off.
elliott collazo gonzalez


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