Keeping Chin Up

There is somethng to be said about this saying "keep your chin up'".  I think that for a long time that has been my way of thinking.  Even when I did not feel it I raised it up and partly because others did so around me in spite of what was going on in my life.  My grandmother use to say "that woman could drown in a glass of water" and that saying seemed weird to me until I understood what she meant by it, which was that this person could get overwhelmed about any little thing and allow themselves to figuratively drown in a glass of water which as we know is not possible.  Well wait maybe for someone I am thinking about now it is possible.  LOL.

All kidding aside keeping our chin up and not letting some small thing drown us and put us under are two very good life thoughts and life lessons.  One can either walk around sloutching or you can decide to walk upright even if things are not going so great in your life.

I use to think this thought was funny: "god doesn't like ugly" and today I think it true.  I also think god does not like winers and that this is closely aligned with people who drown in a glass of water.  I don't think god is cheering me on when I am wining and complaining about everything and everyone.  In fact when I am at my best I can feel god saying something like: "Elliott, good for you" and cheering me on.  Wining doesn't do any good and god knows it and we know it.  Acting as though some little incident is going to overtake us is likely one of the ways to get god to laugh at us and rightfully so.

The alternative to wining, drowning in a glass of water and walking around like our cat just died is living your life like it matters and living it with zest and joy.  That's something god can relate to and every time I am in that zest I feel god collaborating with me as if to say, "now that is more like it Elliott".  I can feel his presence better and clearer when I am in my gratitude of joy.  I mean when I am feeling joy because I am simply alive and walking and talking and breathing.  It's like his presence is there because mine is there.  I become present for Elliott and automatically god is more present for Elliott.  It makes sense to me.

When I am in my anger, resentent, jealousy or rage god seems far away.  I feel like I repel god or that I run him off.  I feel like he is saying something like "get it together" and I am fighting him.  When I am grumpy and feeling sorry for Elliott it is like God takes a break from me and looks up at me to let me know that I need to make a switch of attitude.  When I get the memo and I do switch the attitude to something more joyful or something more grateful god seems to join right in on it.  It's like a law of atrraction to god.

I know you all have heard me say this many times but it is still true that we manifest what we want in our life.  I have manifested almost eveything I have in my life and I can honestly say that no one can harm me without my permission and my letting go of my faith in God and in Source.  When I wine and complain I let go of source.  I forget Source and I end up feeling lonely and exhausted.  What more can I say...


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