An Activity

In service to my readers and beloved ones I wanted to share these healing activities.  I would like to add that doing our self work is the most loving thing one can do for oneself.

Activity: My Old Story and My New Story
Write your old story to include some of the not so good things that have happened or not so great things that you allowed to be.  Let out all those things that have not served you and that you want to change in your life or let go of.  Write about the things that you thought you needed to be or do and let the painful stuff out and in the open using words that allow you to see it with non judgement and with love.

Now write your new story based on the old one but don't use any of the wording that was in your old story.  Try your best to be positive in the language you use and word it as though it is going to happen  now.

Lastly, devise a prayer that uses your new story as the basis of the prayer.  Go back to the prayer steps in my former blogs.  Use that format for your prayer.  Pray that prayer and read your new story at leaast once a day and once a night.  Drill your mind into believing it no matter how long it takes.

Activity 2:
Draw up an Action Plan for this week that includes a mantra and all aspects of who you are: spiritual, emotional, financial/prosperous and creative.
Start with this: I _____________________(your full name) apply these intentions for this week  that will serve me and bring joy and love to my life.
Example: I am complete, whole, happy and grateful every day in every way.

Spiritual Goal:
Example: I will pray for a minimum of ten minutes every morning and night for seven days.

Emotional Goal:
Example: I will read from a spiritual text or self help text daily for a minimum of ten minutes a day for seven days.

Creative Goal:
Example: I will sew a beautiful scarf out of wool for my daughter.

Financial Goal:
Example: I will save fifty dollars in a new savings account at my bank.

Physical A and B:
Physical A: I will work out for thirty minutes minimum two days this week.
Physical Act B: I will write my cousin an apology letter or call her and reconnect with her.  I will call and make an appointment for my anual physical exam.

Stay tuned for some additional activities!  As they say: Just Do It!


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