Make Lemonade of It 2

I left off where I left the restaurant in Elgin where I had a nice burger.  Downtown Elgin is frankly rather depressed and many of the store fronts are empty.  There are only a small smattering of businesses and art studios some of which are "by appointment only".  I remember the last time hanging around with my daughter in the Spring and thinking how super sweet looking the area is.  Why there is not much going on there, mostly places to eat, is surprising to me.  I could see it but then confirmed it with a couple of shop owners.  What I figured out is that there is a possibility that there is a need for more upscale retail places because the surrounding area looks as though it may be old money, judging from the homes.  There are beautiful Victorians in the area and my guess is that these folks are going somewhere else to shop.  Although I am curious about all of this I again digress.

After I left the restaurant I took a walk down to a shop that sells vintage objects of all kinds.  The man greeted me with such enthusiasm it just felt good.  It always feels so nice when one is greeted with joy when you visit a store.  It was evident to me that he was the owner and took pride in his place of business selecting items he feels are worthy of displaying and selling.  As I walked through the store I once again thought that I'd not be there if it were not for someone cancelling an appointment that I was very excited about, yet now I felt so much happiness just to be doing whatever came out of me organically.  I thought to stay home but I thank god I did not.  As I browsed through the store a little crystal Christmas tree with aqua blue swirls inside caught my eye, only 5.00 dollars.  Even though it was only five dollars I thought about it for the hour long that I was in the store looking at a pretty large array of things that included vintage silver  and little baby baptismal dresses.  I came back to that little tree that for some reason meant something to me as does every item in my home that I select with a lot of care and thought.  The Goddess statue, the candle holder from the museum of modern art that I got on a date with my niece and even the pillows on the sofa.  My home is my sanctuary, but again I get distracted.  What was coming up for me was the spontaneous way that I was living in the moment and how content my heart felt.

After having the crystal tree wrapped I left to discover a store front that looked very colorful to me as I was driving up into the main section of downtown Elgin.  As I was walking in the man who owned the antique shop looked at me and smiled and said: "you look like an artist".  I abruptly said "no I am not" and entered the store.  He stayed outside smoking while I took in the items in the store and I am guessing he was doing so with purpose.  By the time he walked in I had taken in the surroundings and had some questions.  He was very friendly and complimented me on my shoes, then he introduced his wife's fragrances which were in a word delicious.   Before I knew it in walks a woman who designed pieces with wool by hand walked in and began to show me her work.  She had hats that were art.  She had a pair of slippers what had an octopus motif and scarves that were gleaming and marvelous.  She was so friendly and as she demonstrated her work with a certain modest pride that I received with pleasure.  By the time we were through talking I gave her a hug and she gave me her business card.  Always for me there is the opportunity to create a new friendship.  Again it came up for me that I took a disappointment and turned it around completely, giving myself the space to enjoy the moment and let go of my expectations for the day regardless of all the preparation I did.  I felt so freed and happy and in the moment!

I then left this store and got in my car to leave but as life would have it I run into another vintage modern shop.  There I get into a conversation with the owner about my being a life coach.  She immediately asked me about something that was going on in her life and what she should do.  I responded by telling her that she already knew what to do.  She smiled and agreed.  She would put all the things in her home that did not fit in the store online and sell it that way.  I affirmed her decision and started to look around thinking to myself that I needed nothing else this day of a material measure.  I had a completeness about me and around me.  I felt happy that I had just flowed with the day and it had turned out to be so wonderful.  Good food, conversations with people, a lovely little tree to represent the holidays for my sacred space.  It worked out so wonderfully.  As a matter of fact it worked out magically.  It is hard to describe the feeling but it is one that we all know when we allow our spirit to lead us and let go of the disappointments in life.  It is in those moments that we fly and we rise above it.  What more can I say?


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