
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am so happy to have been invited to my brother in laws home for a grand Turkey dinner and lot of the foods we all love to eat, many of them traditional to my Latino culture.  Everything is usually home made and everything is more delicious than the next.  Everyone puts their hearts into making their special dish, the one they are known for and the one the family asks for each year.  This year I am not getting to bum it like I have in the past and was asked to bring a veggie or cheese plate.  It just occured to me that I better get the the store now and get the ingredients for it or if I get lazy just order it from Walmart or Jewel.  It did not help that I had my days mixed up and thought that today was Tuesday.  I am expected there tomorrow at four o'clock sharp.

When I think of what I am thankful for the first thing that rises up is the fact that I am alive and that I have survived the health opportunity and most of the therapy, all be it with all the symtoms of the chemo and radiation.  I am breathing just about normally and I am in an emotional place that is more than good even if there are times of sorrow or lonliness.  Today I thank God just to be alive and to feel my body and my feelings.

The other thing I am thankful for is my family starting with two wonderful dautghters and my two beautiful granddaughters.  I am thankful for my sister and brother and my mom, my nieces and nephews as well.  I am especially thankful to have two friends that are fighting the same health issue that I am and who show me strength in the way that they address life and address their daily challenges like warriors.  I am thankful for the food on my table and the roof over my head.  I am thankful to have every part of my body working in the best way that it can and doing the best it can for me every day.

There is so much in my life to be thankful for that it would be an endless list yet what I know I am most thankful for is the gift of life and I know that the entity I am most thankful for is God,  I am alive and God is my source.  God is present in my life and because he is I am able to partake in living this life.  It may not be perfect but it is a life I am grateful for and my gratitude is to live it as fully as possible.

Tomorrow I will spend my day with my family pataking in all the delicious food and laughter.  I will be with my grandchildren who warm my heart and my daughters who always take good care of me when I am around them.  I will be with a family that is extended to my former wife, her brother and his wife.  Each of us will bring a dish and she will make the grand turkey Latino style, drenched in the herbs and spices of a traditionl Latino meat dish.  We will laugh, we will be loud and joke with each other, we will tease one another and we will fill the home with love.  That is what we do and we do it well I might add.  I thank God for a beautiful family and a chance to be on this earth another Thanksgiving sharing in their company and in God's divine plan.

Think about what you are thankful for.  Let the gratitude flow from you even if it is for the smallest things.  Become present for this holiday of thankfulness.  Share your feelings of love and of laughter. Tell jokes and be in the moment.  Thank God for what you have and may you be embraced with in the loving hands of God.


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