Intentional Prayer Step Three

The third step of intentional prayer is Rapport and Unification.  It is the step where we acknowledge God and the collaboration that it takes to manifest the goal of our prayer.  In my case it is my perfect and light filled healthy state of being.  It is where we state that God is our source and our guide and connect it with what we want to happen as  result of our  prayer.

I would like to share mine:

3: Rapport/Unification: I Elliott acknowledge that God is the one and only source that guides me and that heals me.  Through HIM all things can be done.  He is the leader, the leader of truth and purity including my health.  God is a gracious and healing God who cares deeply about me.  He lifts me up only as he can.
I am with God's intervention and protection healthy and whole.  Every part of my body is light filled and full of hope and joy.  I am healthy and whole.  I am complete and every part of me feels vibrant and working perfectly in sync.  I feel an energetic body that with all it's parts flowing and full of life.

If for example yours was for someone to love or a to manifest a realtionship yours may be worded like this: 
I Mary KIndle acknowledge that God is the source of love and connection.  He alone can guide me to my true source of love and my beloved one.  I am ready to receive relationship here and now and know that I am worthy of love.  I feel the energy of love surrounding me and I attract that person who is my soul mate and who I can share laughter and joy with.  I will be with a person who I will travel with and spend beautiful times with.  

I would like to be clear in sharing that this kind of prayer is from the book Miracle Prayer.  I have interprested it as best I know how but would recommend that you get the book yourself and read it and make your own conclusions.  What this book is saying is that we can manifest what we want and need through intentional prayer and in specific this nine step prayer.  I continue to read mine aloud and ask that others use it to pray for me if they would like to do that.  I will not make a secret of the fact that I want to be healed of this health opportunity.  With faith and possibly treatements or a choice not to have treatmenst I expect to live a full life and one that is more loving and compassionate for myself.  Whatever your dream or intention or prayer know that you deserve it as much as anyone else.  I testify that I deserve to have my prayer answered for beautiful health and a wonderful home to always live in for the rest of my life.  We deserve to have what we wish for and there is nothing wrong with wishing and asking for what we want from God.  


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