What is Love?

Love is when someone cares about you enough to stick with you through the thick and thin of it.  There are not a lot of people like that left in the world it seems.  I believe that a person who loves anohter person sticks with them through the worse moments of their life and would never consider abandoning them.  The reality is that there are very few people who have the guts to stand by another person no mattter what they have to endure like sickness either emotional or physical.  Most cases of relationships where people stay it is the woman who sticks it out.  I truly believe that in this way woman are more compassionate and would stay with a man who is disabled or ill.  We see it all the time with women.  Men on the other hand tend not to stay and run when the going is rough.  In either case love is when we stay for the hard times.

Love is when someone honors another person by stating it often and directly, letting their loved one know how proud they are of them for their accomplishments and their efforts.  Honoring ones partner is all about letting them know how much they mean to you but also how valuable their contributions and thoughts are to you and to the relationship.   Love is letting the other person know you honor their life, their intelligence, their contributions and their love.  All that they offer.  Most couples don't take the time to honor the other person, letting them know how valuable a gift they are to them.  I think that the reason they don't is because of their own ego and often times it is about jealousy and insecurity that a partner cannot honor his or her loved one.

Love is doing things you don't love to do in order to participate in the other person's life and what they like to do.  It is a way of showing someone that you are willing to come out of your box and do something they like to do even learning how to do it, like dancing or playing cards.  It is a way of showing the other person that things that mean something to them are important enough to mean something to you once in a while.

Love is complimenting your partner, letting them know how beautiful they look and how handsome they are dressed.  It is important for someone you love to hear that you attract them and you find them worthy of taking a second look.  Compliments are free and they can be given frequently withtout the fear that the other person might become conceited or arrogant.  It is a way to let your loved one know you care about the work they put into looking good.

Love is serving your partner.  Giving your partner the gift of a massage or a bath.  It is giving service in a way that is thoughtful and says you care.  Finding out what your partner likes and doing those things they like as a gift to them at intervals and as often as you can.  Loving someone is serving them and not just expecting to be served.  If you expect to be massaged you should offer a massaage once in a while back.

Love is defending your partner from anything and anyone who may set out to hurt them in any way, especially emotionally.  It is defending them when others say things that may not be kind and complimentary whether those things are true or not.  As a partner it is your job to defend your loved one from any family memeber of friend of yours who hurts their feelings when they say their feelings are hurt.  It is the job of a spouse to make sure his or her family members always respect the person you chose to be with no matter what they might think.  It is our loved ones work to not bash us with their family members only to continue to be in the relationship which contradicts the loving aspect of the relationship and undermines it.

Love is being compassionate with your partner.  When they are sad or upset it is our place to ask what is going on and ask what we can do to be of service to them.  Love is compassion and a compassionate partner does not ignore their partners feelings.  In fact they address their feelings head on and with honesty and boldness.  There is nothing worse for a partner to feel than that what they are feeling is bothersome rather than a valid feeling even if the other person does not think so.  Compassion is the key and resentment does not live where compassion resides.

Love is respecting our partners.  Respect measn that we listen to what they say and we honor and respond to it.  Respect means we don't name call our spouse or use sarcastic put downs.  Respect means that we love someone enough to hear what they say and accept it as their truth.


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