I"m No Guru

I am not the guru of good nor the giver of peace or joy.  I am a spiritual mentor doing my best to share what I learned and what I am learning as I go along.  I have something to say at the age of sixty and something to give until I am no longer here on this earth to give.  As long as I am alive and breathing I am going to continue to share what I think is my wisdom and my learning experiences are my wisdom.  All the things I have seen and experienced make up the Elliott that I am.  I feel like I paid attention in life and that even though I've make my mistakes I still value who I am and what I have to share with others.  I still value the lessons I learned and the lessons I will learn along the way.

I was married of over ten years to a woman and some would say that this experience was a mistake based on their own data and way of looking at it.  I see no mistakes and in fact only view that experience as a wonderful part of my life journey.  If it were not meant to be then I would not have had two daughters and two grandchildren from the experience.  I would not have had all the wonderful times with my wife and danced all the dances I danced with her.  None of it would have bappened unless it was meant to have been.  All the holidays and all the joy shared in that marriage was the experience of my life.  I look back on it and mostly I smile and laugh and sing inside.  What a lucky man I was to have shared my life with someone who loved me and held me when I needed her, someone who knew what I needed and was willing to give it.  Someone who was my equal and my yang as some might put it.  Today I look back at this experience of being married to a woman who was willing to share everything with me wihtout reservation.  Someone who loved me like I was important and valuable.  Someone who was willing to laugh with me or cry for me.  That was a whole expereince and what I learned about women and the loyalty of their love never leaves me.  It is enlightning and surely was the very best of the best years of my life.  We did so much together and we did so with such grace and ease.  It was natural and it was enjoyable.  What I learned most is that love is love no matter what your sexuality is, love is love.  We can love who we want and it does not have to make sense to others.

Having children makes one different from others who don't.  That is my contention.  Children take you out of your little box and help you to get out there with your feelings and think of someone other than yourself.  It forces us to understand that having children is not the only thing that matters but rather that we nourish that child and connect with him or her.  I remember having our first child and sitting in the living area as she slept in her crib crying and thinking about what I was suppose to do and how I would be as a father.  That day changed my life.  That day that she was born changed me forever.  Unlike people who don't have children a parent experiences a whole new life lesson and wisdom to go outside themselves and beyond themselves.  You learn to give more than you get and you do so without thinking about it or measuring it.

Every life experience makes us wiser and more able to cope with the next things that life presents to us but then again we have to be willing to rise above the experiences and learn more about ourselves.


  1. You are a channel for people to see love, strength, connection to God, a parent, an elder who has been there/done that. Your testimony is STRONG and meant to be used to inspire and create in a world that NEEDS it so badly. Keep sharing your gifts!


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