Glass Half Full

It is the one person that you least expcct that brings you the lesson of the moment.  Mine was the salesperson at Best Buy, a young man who looked to be all of 22 and who when I complained about my iPhone responded with "I prefer to look at the glass as half full sir".  At first I thought I should be offended or even insulted.  Why did he not just ignore my comment about my iPhone issues?  Why did he feel a need to respond like that?  What came up was that he honored his boundaries and that he would speak his truth for what he feels is the good of all, espcially his own good.  To hear such a young person say that made me feel clear about how important it is to see that I have an iPhone even if it is not the six or the big six or the a or the b one or the c grade one.  Who cares if mine doesn't have siri, after all I received it free and when I got an upgrade I simply lost it because I could not embrace the technology of the iPhone 5 with the fance champayne coloration.  It all adds up to one thing.  Gratitude baby gratitude.  Today it took a young person with a clear mind to wake me up to my own moment of madness and of disenchantment over really nothing of importance because I did not go in looking for an iPhone but rather a copier and fax machine on sale for 70 bucks, cordless to boot.  I got what I needed and the young man pointed out that I could use my iPhone to scan documents and that it was a "smart phone".  He then turned into this super helpful kind person who was there to show me some love by serving me untethered by any other aspect of who I turned into when I was in "bitch mode".  He let it all role down his shoulders and I left with such a huge smile on my face I could not even describe it.  I almost danced out of the store.

Today was my lucky day becuase earlier my pastor came to visit and I made him breakfast as well as engaged in some lovely connection with him.  He is another one of those guys that sees the glass half full I am so sure.  He smiles and seems to let things roll off him helping me to allow myself to let things roll off me as well and practice being in gratitude.  Being in gratitude because he was there and we were sharing such a good meal and that we were connecting in conversation and eventually spiritually.  It is the people in our lives like him that keep us aware of the importance of life, something we so easily forget, especially when we are going through some hard times.  Both he and I agreed that is it gratitude that will propell us and gift us with uplifting courage.  Both of us tuned into the energy in my home and how loving and initing it is.  It helped e to see that whatver somene else thought of me and what I created it means something and that everything I have done in this home measn something because it's about love.  It is engrained in love.  Looking at that glass as half full and being in gratitude that I am here in this home now enjoying it and sharing it with people who I love and deserve that kind of lovec.

Graitude is about seeing that glass half full but more than that it is being in gratiitude even when it is only a quarter full or just a third full.  It is still OK to feel good about what I can do and not focus on what I cannot do physically or emotionally.  I will never ever forget when one person said to ne during ny battle with the C , "Elliott everything cannot be about you".  I won't forget that day because that was the day I realized that no one could love me more than god.  That was the day I realized that being called a victim when I am in pain inside and out is not OK.  Not by anyone and especially by anyone we are suppose to trust and who are suppose to love us.  But not more than we love ourselves when it comes to the end.

I said self love is overrated and it is at times.  I am not going back on that premise for myself but I will say that being loved my someone through sickness and is the ultimate love.  I know what I am, who I am, what I need and what I favor now more than ever.  IF it took being called out of my name it was worth it.  It was worth it because I am Elliott the person who deserves to have a space and a voice even if no one else thinks it so.

Keep dancing and singing my beloved friends.  There will be non-believers.  There will be people who won't see your spirit.  There will be people who drag you down under the guise that they are being honest when in fact they are brutal.  All of what others say and do may effect you in some small manner but when it comes to the big picture we are how god defines us and how we define ourselves.  No system can change that even if they put all your material possessions in a box and walk off with it.  Even if they take all your love and stomp on it repeatedly.  Nothing can change the outcome that god has planned for you that does not resemble what your enemies have planned for you.  Not at all, not today, not in the least, not ever.

Sing as though no one is listening.


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