The Holidays

This evening I started to look through the holiday decorations.  There was an immediate sense of sadness but I pushed on and opened a box here and there.  I found some of my favorite decorations and some that brought back memories of the past, things that need to be placed away and let go.  I did not think that the first Christmas celebration here in this home would be both light and dark, yet I accept it because it is as Source wanted it to be.  I am alone and I am going to learn to celebrate the holidays as well as to celebrate my life.  What is has to be enough and although it may not be as joyful as it could have been I know that there will be light and laughter in this home on Christmas eve when my family is coming to share in the festivities.  

As I brought up things little by little the house is starting to look like Chirstmas.  There are ornaments inside a bowl that was once empty and there are a few stockings hung up, two in the kid's room with some white lights thrown randomly in the window.  I pulled out the tiny aluminum Christmas tree  and put it in the children't window sill.  I have two snow globes, one with santa and one with a riendeer inside.  Both play music and both are nice reminders of the joyful holiday songs.  Next the tree will go up of white bare branches with aqua and silver ornaments and white lights.  The tree will go right behind one of the love seats in the family room between the kitchen and the living area.  The twinkle of the white lights will complete the scenario and the celebration of life.  

As we begin the process of celebrating the birth of Christ or simply celebrating our lives we must not forget that what is important is family, friends and living fully present.  This holiday season should be one of appreciation for what is good in our life and for what has been plentiful in our family.  The love we receive from those who have loved us all year round.  The holidays are all about making the best of what we have and being witht the people who really love us.  


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