Old Story New Story

I have not introduced this idea of wrting our old story and then writing our new story.  I think it can be quite healing and in fact I have done this exercise many times over with myself and with others.  Our old story is about those things we would like to heal and let go of and our new story replaces the old one.  When we write our stories we must know in our hearts and believe in our soul that the new story is the truth.  For a while now I have been talking about fact versus truth and I think we should keep this in the forefront of our minds and hearts as we write our old and new stories.  It may be a fact that our father left us when we were two or our mom died when we were 16 but the truth is that they transitioned and we grew from the experience.  It may be a fact that we have according to doctors a cancerous illness but the truth is that we have plenty of healthy cells in our body.

If all of you will endulge me I would like to share my old and new story.  I am going to start with the old one and then share my new story in service to all of you and in service to myself:

My old story is that I was a victim of abandonment and that I was an abused child.  In that story I am angry and resentful and wish myself ill will.  In my old story I had no boundaries and allowed another person to dictate what I did most of the time, escaping once a year just to feel like I could breath, resenting the relationship and disliking myself for not saying NO.  My old story was about me being a victim to others who took advantage of me and who took, took and kept taking without giving back much.  In that story there were people in my life who did not hear me or see me, in fact they did not bother to listen.  The old story is about how my mother abused me and I was an innocent kid who ran from home and ended up in court with my mom.  That story was about not accepting who I was for many years and shaming myself into thinking that everyone else was better than me, more deserving than I.  I spent a lot of time crying or being angry about my health issue and hoping that someone would hold me or bathe me or have some compassion for me.  In that sad story I wasa a victim to one person who really did not have any power but that I gave all my power to.  In that story I was a victim and allowed myself to be hullied and treated like a second class citizen in fact almost like a non-entity.  In that story I depended too much on the approval of someone who had no room for approval or loved themself enough never mind me.  In the old story I wanted someone to love me that was incapable of giving love or at times even a flower.  My old story is that my health is in jeopordy and that I am a cancer body and that the only way to heal is with chemicals.

So you get the idea.  That is not all there is to my old story but this is a small part of it.  The important part of my old story is that I AGREE to RELEASE it here and now.  I Elliott Collazo Gonzalez release my old story at this very moment and I turn it over to my higher being.  It is done!  Thy will is done!  My old story is finished and the new one begins as of now.

My New Story:
My new story is that I am a hero and that I have survived every abuse.  My new story is that I am courageous and have the faith I need to heal both emotionally and physically.  I have the ability to manifest great health in collaboration with God.  My new story is that I am in relationship with the people that I love and that is plenty of love for me.  My new story is that I have and express my boundaries with everyone about everything when needed and when it's in my highest good.  My new story is that I hold myself in high esteeem and that I can sometimes, often times be first.  My new story is that I am fearless and that the fear has gone far away from my soul and heart.  In my new story I have found all the love I will ever need even if that means that I am physically alone.  In my new story I am whole as I am and don't need anyone to make me complete.  I am a warrior and I am a fighter who fights with love in my heart and confidence in my spirit.  These days I know my priorities and they are my family and my close friends who love me, those who nurture me and whom I nurture.  This is my new story and it is one filled with joy and forgiveness in my heart.  I am aligned with god and I am a prince in his kingdom.

You get the idea.  Now it's time for you to write your old and new story.  I would recommend that you read your new story for a month, once in the morning and once every night.  Your new story is the one you will focus on.  So what about the old story?  Burn it!  Buy a container like a clay pot or a metal pan and burn it.  While you are burning it think about how releaved your heart is in that moment and how much weight you are desolving yourself of.  Release that old story like a bad pair os shoes.  Then email me how it worked out.  elliottcollazo@sbcglobal.net


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