Be Joyous Where You Are

I conitnue to write about this idea of being joyous where we are.  So much of the time we spend is spent wishing we were elsewhere and hoping we had more.  The thing is that we have and are where we are and there is nothing more blessed than to accept where we are and work on things we can change in our life, accepting the things we cannot.  If we have health issues then we do.  If we are not speaking to our brother than we are.  If we are angry about the state of the world then we should go ahead and feel that and be where we are.

As the fragrance of the Casa Blanca flowers next to me hit my nose I feel like I am living where I am and now.  I smell the scent and I rejoice in it because it is so beautiful and such a miracle.  That flower is a lily and it is one of the most potent one can by.  It reminds me to be where I am and I enjoy it right here and now.  I am not thinking about the leisons in my body or the ache in one of my ears but rather the smell of something so pleasant that it pushes out the negaitive and brings the positive forward.

The joy we feel we can feel now.  We can feel it at every level and we feel it because we feel god's presence inside of us.  It can be a higher being or a higher vibration we are chosing to feel.  We are in the here and we are in the moment and so we feel that elation that means we are happy and content and we accept where we are and what is given to us.  The contrary of that is to be miserable and think only of the end and that end being pain or anquish rather than peace and serenity.

When I die I would love my daughters to sing to me.  I want a song that means something to us like the one Marc Anthony wrote for his daughter and the one that he cries to every time he sings it.  I want my last moments to be happy not sad.  I want to be where I am at and accept my transistion and my transformation.  I want to go with the acceptance of now and where my heart is at in that moment.  I want to be joyous where I am.  In life or in death I want to be joyous where I am at.

i said to my girlfriend this morning that it is not over until the "skinny girl screams".  I believe that and I also think that screaming could very well be a part of the process of being where you are.  If screaming heals us then why the hell not scream?  Holding our voice down, muffling our feelings is only going to make it harder to leave this earth with some soul and buzz in our step.  Screaming might help and I say if you need to do that then go for it.  Scream.  and then scream some more.  Be in the moment accepting where your heart is at and where you are at.  Yes yes yes.


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