It Is Not What Your Are

"Please remember, it is  what you are that heals, not what you know".
Carl Jung

We struggle to be successful and many of us have degrees.  Some of us think we knnow the meaning of life because after all we have a degree in counseling or we have studied Buhdist principles.  We are made to believe by a system that are non believers that we can heal ouselves from what we know.  We can learn all that we need to know to heal ourselves.  We have it together and we can fix it.  But all the knowledge, especially book knowledge, cannot cure our woes nor will it make us into a healthier persona.

Jung is saying that it is not what you know but rather what you are that heals you.  It is who you are that heals you.  How we live our lives heals us.  The honesty in our hearts is what heals us.  Living a life of truth and allowing ourselves a voice heals us.  I think that it is out actions that heal our hurt us. The manner in which we comport ourselves with others heals us.  It is the way that we interact with every person in every situation and the ability to address it with poise and caring.

Jung is asking us to remember that what we do, who we are and how we treat others is what saves us and not all the books in the world.  This is not to say that it is not a good idea to be a learned person, to read books and to inquire on how to be closer to our joy.  I interpret it as a message that we cannot learn to love from a text or by behaving a certain way.  It gets down to what we are willing to do and give to help heal our spirit and our heart.

I love Carl Jung because he has a way with words that are telling of real life situations.  He is one of those people in our world who identifies success with our willingness to do the work we need to do.  I imagine myself healing by doing what I need to do to heal.  I imagine others healing by doing what they need to do.  All the knowing in the world cannot heal me or heal you.  It is who we really are that heals us.


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