My Home is not a House

This evening I set some boundaries for Elliott, something that I have some work to do on.  I claimed my space in my home and allowed myself the right to claim it because I nurtured this home and have kept it beautiful and clean.  When we claim something it is not about the material part that matters but rather the spiritual aura of our home.  This home is a home where I have been living on my own and where every peice of every room is set just right and looks beautiful and crisp.

For a long time I was in fear about making that statement about my home but the fact is, as one friend put it: "this was always reflecting of you".  It made me so proud that there are people who know the truth and who see my work and the love I put into a home.  I get such pleasure from my home and all that surrounds me and at night I light tea lights in certain areas just for my own pleasure.  I have become enamored with making a santuary for myself and not worried about what others might want.  This is my safe haven.  This is my place where I lay my head down and let my worries flow out of me.  This is the place that takes the cancer and makes it go away if only for as long as I am enveloped inside of it.

My homes have always been beautiful and light.  I have made them a reflection of who I am as a person and where I am at the time.  I sent from sassy red and purple sofas with  Ralph Lauren purple wall to a retro modern look to a beach Hampton atmosphere.  My journey has been one of love and respect for my home, something that many people don't ssee or want or care about.  For me it is the most important place you will ever be in and where you spend so much time that it matters what it looks and feels like.  A home is not a house.  A house is bare without the home like qualities of sculptures and art and items carefully placed.  A table to put a book on, a lamp to read under, a sofa to float into and a candlelabra to light for your parties.

This couple of months alone at home have been the most wonderful of my time here.  I love being in a place where I get to make sure that gets done and no one gets to say anything about it.  I love being in a space of my own and loving it.  Every  moment is cherished.  I love buying my white orchids and my white roses and seeing them bloom.  I love laying a cloth down just so and a throw next to the sofa for someone to yearn for.  Soft and cuddly.

My home is where my heart is.  It is where my friends and family are with me and where people spend their time inside of.  I love it most with children laughing inside of it.  Like Isabella and Mia.  Taina and Camille.  This weekend several of my friends came over and shared with food and wonderufl moments with me.  For me if it lasts one more day or ten years it is to be loved and nutured and shared.  I look forward to every moment, every instant in this beautiful place I call home.  I look forward to god giving me one more day to enjoy it fully.

No matter if I am in this home or in a smaller space I know that where I will always be is in a clean and safe environment that I create as beautifully as I can.  I can do with as little or as much as I have now.  It matters not to me but I do know that I have loved this home and that if it is mine to be I will cotninue to love it and make it mine.  God will decide my end.  In the meantime take good care of your home and make it a reflection of who you are at your deepest level.
coach elliott


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