"A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows she has none"
Marilyn Monroe

Women know that there are limits in life but not to live in a place where you allow them to stop you from doing what you need to do. There may be times when you feel like you just have to limit the amount of one thing or another but still keep in mind that in life we make ourselves believe we are limited.  In truth we are only limited by our thoughs and what we believe from others who say we cannot do it.  Yet we all know that many women have been held back just because they are women and discriminated against just because they are females.

In life there are limits and in life we know that there will be times when we have to push ourselves to do what we think we cannot.  I take my own situation and this experience.  I see how limited I have been at times physically unable to do things that I would like to do.  Simple things like walking has at times been a challenge.  However each time I feel that limitation I push myself a little more and I push myself to do it.  I thought that the chemo and radiation might be my limit and at times it was my limit.  It was painful and towards the end the healing was horrific to put it nicely.  I felt so much pain that I could not see the solution or the ending of all of it.  Yet I made it and it felt like there were no limit to what I could endure.

There are a lot of people who feel like they have too many limits and they suffer from depression and a sense of hopelessness.  This quote from Marilyn tells us all that there may be limits but very few of them.  There may be limits but it does not mean we cannot fight those barriers and get through them with a feeling that there are no limits.

We can focus on our limits or we can focus on the limitless things we can and have done in our life.  What we think we cannot do we can and will do.  What we think we won't survive we do and we do so with some amount of grace and dignity.  There may be limits but we must know if they are just an illusion of a limit or a real one.  We must know when to move into the fear and uncertainty and get through the fear and uncertainty.  There will be times when we feel like where we are is the limit.  Then we realize that we have convinced ourselves of it when we can actually get over that situation and resolve it.

Knowing the difference between our limts and the voice or person who is saying we are limited is the trick to making it in life.  Knowing we can keep trying even if we don't make it the first time.  Knowing that if we don't do it perfectly we can forgive ourselve and keep trying.  That is what means something.


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