Marilyn Monroe Says

"It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring".
Marilyn Monroe

I use to do this verson of the moon walk for my kids when they were younger in order to make them laugh.  They seemed to love it because every time their friends would come over they would ask me to do the "moon walk" for them.  I looked like a fool and did not have it down by any means, in fact I did not know how to do it at all.  I did some crazy version of it where I looked so much like a  jackass the kids loved for me to do it.  I was willign to look absolutely ridiculous to get a laugh out of my girls.  I was willing to be loud and not like a normal dad to get their friends to laugh when I was in the mood for it.  I would agree with Marilyn that being crazy and ridiculous is better than being borig.  Ironically I have never been told that I was boring, not that I find myself so dam interesting.

I think that some women are willing to look ridiculous rather than to be boring and like everyone else.  It is not so much about looking crazy as it is to be willing to do things that are fun and a little out of the box.  A woman who is willing to get out of her box is likely to live a less boring life and in fact a more exciting life.  If we are willing we can become fearless and do what we think is good for us and what brings us up.  What makes our soul soar.  What makes us happy , not allowing others to dictate what we should or should not do to enjoy our life.

Women in particular as girls have been told not to be too loud and not to be so bold.  It was considered not lady like.  Yet today many women are unafriaid to pull their skirt over their head rather than to be quiet and demur and boring.  Marilyn was likely one of those women who was asked to be a sex symbol and to behave in ways that would be acceptable in Hollywood as measured by men.  She instead broke all the rules and would say things like this and many other phrases that did not conform to what men in Hollywood felt was acceptable.

If we take women of today I think about my daughters who are women who say what they feel and are willing to look foolish rather than to conform.  They are the modern woman who fight for what they believe in and laugh boldly and the ridiculous things some men expect of them.  They laugh boldy and tell jokes when they want whether others think them funny or not.  Whether others are listetning or not.  They don't mind looking a bit crazy for the sake of bringing some laughte into the room and they do.  Lots of it.

The next time you need to express yourself don't think too much about how you are going to look to others or how others might judge you.  Laugh loudly, tell jokes and be willing to humiliate yourself.  You have to be willing to let others laugh at you or with you and you have to be willing for others to disagree.  Otherwise we can all go back in the closet and hide from what is already a world full of censorship.  In a world full of hattred and jealousy.  So like Marilyn says: be willing to look ridiculous or be OK with being boring.


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