For Men About Being Friends

As I continue to ask women what they want in a relationship with a man or from men I see ho common a thread there exists.  This particular woman shared that what she wants is friendship and random acts of kindness.  A lot of women have shared that they would like to be treated as good as some of her husband or boys friend's friends and to be a friend to their male partner.  This woman stated that in addition to having friendship she would like men to do some random acts of kindness.

We have all heard how women started out being friends with their partner and this evolving into a love relationship.  It is then not surprising that women would like to be treated like a friend.  Some women feel like this is what is missing from their relationship with their man.  There is not that equality that one has with a friend or that friendly way of being that their husband or partner has with their close friends.  But what is it that is so special about being treated like a friend?  Men do tend to treat their friends with respect and they tend to be attentive with their friends as well as able to share their feelings with their friends.  These are the things that women would like as well.  They want their men to share their feelings and to have fun with their partner.  We all know couples who look like friends and even play like friends, teasing each other and laughing together often.  Friendship is a large part of having a close relationship where there is a sense of openness.  Men who treat their women like they are a good friend treat their women in a way that is friendly and full of laughter.  It is evident in the lightness of their relationship.  There seems to be an equality about their relationship where each person is unafraid to share their feelings and laugh at the little things.

Random acts of kindness and love are a sign that a man is thinking on his toes.  He knows that to keep things going smoothly he should bring a flower home once in a while or take his partner out to a movie.  Maybe even buy her a little red teddy to wear.  Random means that it is done as a surprise and that it is unexpected.  I think women like to be surprised with a little gift once in a while or a card.  To be asked to get dressed to go out to dinner at random or to run and see a movie.  There are a lot of ways that men can show a random act of kindness like filling up the tub with bubbles, lighting some candles and giving their lady a bath.  Most women love to be pampered and this kind of act of kindness and demonstration of love will get men a lot of points.  After all relationship like work is affected by checks and balances.  We can pretend that this is not the case but the truth is that doing those little things add up and are remembered and later utilized to forgive the times when something did not go so well.

Some of the nice things you can do for your lady are:
1. bring home a rose.
2. fill up her bathtub
3. cook a meal for her
4. write her a poem
5. give her a foot massage
6. bring her a cup of coffee to the bathroom in the morning
7. call her at home and tell her you miss her
8. sing a song to her
9. dance a slow dance with her in the living room
10. cook a meal for her and wash the dishes afterwards


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