Never Alone

I was walking around my beautiful home thinking how it might be nice is someone were here with me to share in my morning coffee and in my joy.  I had a friend stay with me Saturday overnight and it was so delightful I wishded she was still around.  I started the feel bad for Elliot routine and suddenly out of my mouth came "Elliott, You will never be alone".

The fact is that I have a great family that will never leave me.  I have a brother and sister in law who came by yesterday and brought me dinner for two days and my brother fixed a broken lamp for me and took some things from the garage to the basement.  I surely will not be alone.  It is so unlikely and it does not matter where I am, how healthy or not I am, whether I am living in this home or not.  I won't be abandoned by my family and they continue to be present for me.

God is another source of company for when we feel alone.  Angels as well.  Spirits of those who have gone before us.  We won't ever be alone if we have that connection to God that is all  powerful and knowing.  We won't be alone as long as we are aware of the angels around us who protect and love us.  We are not alone when the spirit of a person who has transitioned is visiting us in our heart and evcn in our home.

The other day I was on the phone with my kid's mother and was sharing my love of my Grandpa Samuel.  Suddenly I felt him following me up the stais as I spoke of him.  I could feel his presence as if he were right there behind me smiling and delighted that I had invited him by mentioning his name.  I told Luz that I missed him and that he was there visiting.  She of course affirmed it because like me she has had this happen to her with her mother and dad who have passed.  We are never really alone.  There is the trees, there is all the nature around us to remind us of God's miracle and the miracles of the earth, the reason that we breathe better.

Feeling sorry for ourselves when we are faced with an illness is OK as long as we don't stay there.  We must be able to put the smile back on our face.  We must be able to dress up and to have some dinner with friends.  We cannot sit and swallow the pain over and over again nor relive it.  We have to be willign to forgive the people who ran in the other direction because they did not learn what we know to be compassion and they are not just scared they seem terrified of cancer or other illnesses.  We must make our own company and our own show.  We must be our own stand up comedian.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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