Bless the Animals Today

Today at UCC Epiphany Pastor Kevin held the blessing of the animals.  All of the congregants who like bring their animal to the church basement to attend this blessing.  It is such a beautiful event and so very sweet to see how many peoplle attend.  The pastor begins with a story about how some of us first experience death in the form of a pet.  Then a story about the compassion for animals that are not always offered to humans.  On the other hand the compassion for animals is an indicator of our compassion for others.

"Love of anmials is a gateway to the world and not an escape from it" Is quoted at one point in the short but loving sermon.  When I ponder this quote I think it true yet I see where there are people who use their pet to be anti-social and hide behind them, perhaps a way to feel safe.  I have no judgement of this yet my heart wants ask for some healing when there are those who find it hard to open their heart beyond the boundaries where they feel safe.

As I look around the room I see every type of animal, some pedigree and some just what some would call muts but all of the owners look proud and you can sense that each animal is like a family member, especially special to the children who are holding them and the men and women who are making sure they behave well.  Every single one is being touched oconstantly and every single one is loved.  It is so obvious how much joy comes from animals being coupled with mankind and woman kind.  So lovely to see the reaction of the children who are like brothers and sisters to these beautiful beasts.

Today is a celebration of life more than just the love of animals and how they contribute to our lives.  Oddly I don't have a pet yet recently my best friend suggested I get a dog.  Having battled some health issues and continuing to fight the good fight I have decided this not to be  a good idea for me.  I would like to be completely present for a pet: a dog, cat or even a fish.  I would want to be well cnough to care for the pet, walk it or play with it.  As selfish as it may seem I am having a lot of work taking care of me.  It is s full time job both emotionally and spiritually.  Today I get a chance to be around animals and have the experience of that brand of love.  The kind of love that is unconditional and pure.  The love that is given without expecting anything back.  

Today we realize how important some animals are to their owners.  People who are elderly and less lonely and those who are blind whose dogs guide them.  Today we can see beyond the fact that they are animals and see that they provide love and companionship and safety to many.  More importantly they are god's creatures.  


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