What Women Want From Men

So I have asked a few women I know to add to the list of things that women want and these were some of the responses.

1. A man who can dance.  Many men don't get how valuable it is to be able to dance with a woman.  It is a way to connect with her and a way to be intimate and loving.  I am a huge fan of a man showing off a woman rather than focusing on himself and how he looks dancing.  Harmony is crucial when you dance with a woman.  Woman are attracted to men who can dance because these are the men who took the time to learn a skill that women enjoy.

2. A Sincere apology followed by action, not just words.  I love this share from a female doctor friend of mine who I believe to be a truly compassionate woman.  The words " I am sorry" are just words if they are not backed up by sincerity and actions that make a difference.  Empty apologies are just that, empty and void of feeling and sincerity.  Women want to feel like you mean it and that you are going to change your M.O.

3. Undivided attention: no technology between them and their partner.  This is a comment shared by a woman who has three children and is married.  She wants attention that is special and not interrupted by computers, phones or any other technology.  I am often surprised at how many men spend long hours on their computer ignoring their partners and making them feel badly.  Is that computer that important?  The right answer guys is hell no.

4. To be heard without judgement.  Women want men to listen and just listen.  Not judge what they are saying but simply to listen.  They want to feel heard.  So often men do not listen to a word their women say and women are well aware of it.  It feels hurtful and is bad for a relationship with a woman.  Men have to practice the art of listening and looking attentively into the woman's eyes.

5.  To tell the truth.  Now there is a novel concept.  This share is from a divorced woman who was lied to repeatedly about many things.  She is a beautiful woman and has no trouble dating yet what stands out for her is the fact that men are not truthful enough.  Women want men to be honest about they way they feel and what they are doing and where they are at.  Women have dealt with men who lie to them over long periods of time, sometimes years.  All that they ask is that men be honest with them and tell the truth.  It is interesting to me that men feel like they have to lie to survive some situation they find themselves in with their loved one.  Women like men don't like to be lied to.  Who can blame them?  No one likes to be lied to.

So there you have it men.  Do as you will with this information but understand that the reason that women have shared these things is because they have been lied to, judged  and not been given the attention they feel they warrant, especially when they are sharing their deepest feelings.  They ask that if a man makes a mistake that he not just apolgize but that he change his behaviors to back up that apology.  Are you listening?


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