Being Lonely Alone

Being alone and lonely is not the same as being with someone and being lonely.  Being lonely when you are alone makes sense and is much more bearable as I see it.  Being lonely when you are married or living with someone is a much more intense feeling.  You or I should not be lonely when we are with someone yet some partners are so emotionally absent that being with them is the loneliest feeling ever.  It just does not make sense to feel lonely when you are in a relationship with someone you love and who claims to love you.

When we are alone for a long period of time we will feel lonely.  It is part of life when you are alone and not partnered.  The up side is that this makes sense.  Being lonely when there is no one there to hear you speak, share your feelings or laugh with is normal.  Being lonely when you are all alone is a part of life.  That kind of loneliness makes perfect sense.  After all there is no one there.  We can learn to be less lonely or mostly not alone.  We can become our own best company and most of the time feel fulfilled and not lonely very often.  In fact we can be alone and be at peace, joyful and whole alone.  It does not mean we won't feel some lonely feelings.  It does not mean we won't wish we had a person there at times to tickle our belly.  It just means that we become more accepting of the fact that we are one and alone and that this is more than acceptable this can be quite lovely.

Loneliness is a state of mind.  We can believe ourselves to be alone and lonely or we can understand that we are never alone when we are with ourselves and God.  We see that the more we are alone the more we become equipped at being alone and happy.  We know that we are with one good person, that person being us, ourself.  We learn to laugh at ourselves when we do silly things or laugh at the jokes on the television and enjoy it as much as if someone else were there.  We don't have to be with someone to feel accompanied and be our own best company.  We don't need someone in body to be there because we are whole on our very own.

Loneliness happens to everyone.  We will feel it at times no matter what our state of relationship, who we live with or if we have a pet or not.  We are going to have those feelings with and without others around us.  The trick to feeling whole and accompanied is to love oneself enough to cook a meal, sing a song or take ourselves out to dinner when we like.  We are never really spiritually alone because we have spirit to love and guide us.  We have our own good company to be with and find wonderful things to do with our time.  It may sound silly but being lonely is truly just a state of mind.  We think ourselves lonely and then we feel alone.  As I write this blog I have this experience of being with all of you and yet I am physically alone.  Spiritually I am with all of you who I am sharing my experience with so I am not lonely and I am not really alone.

When you feel lonely, don't run from that feeling.  Let it sink in just like any other feeling that is meaningful.  Don't ignore it and act as though your not feeling lonely.  The next thing to do is to ask yourself what you could be doing of value for yourself and for your soul.  What can I be doing that will fulfill me right here and now?  Then the next best thing to do is to begin the process of finding out what it is that is going to fill you up.  Since there could be someone there and that person could be one who could not fill you with laughter then make yourself laugh.  Get on the floor and force the laughter out of you.  Enjoy your own company.  Then you will rarely feel alone or lonely.  Enjoy the Goddess spirit around you and then you will rarely if ever feel alone.  Enjoy the view outside your window then you will almost never feel lonely.  Dance to the beat of a happy song, watch a meaningful documentary, go see a movie, take yourself out to dinner.  Place yourself in a position of being around others and not being alone or just affirm that you are your own best company, enjoying the beauty that you are inside and outside.  Enjoying the energy around you.  Enjoying the fact that you are alive and able.  You are almost never truly alone.


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