Face It

It is the things that we try to avoid that eventually hit us right in the face, sometimes in ways we cannot imagine.  We think ourselves smart and as though we can dodge bullets in life but we cannot.  Everything has it's moment and everone has their lesson in life.  Today that is exactly what I learned when I was given my divorce summons and could not think of anything else but what is going to happen now.  I was biding my time for health reasons so now I have to face it and address the reality that this divorce is now in session.

We can avoid talking to our spouse about how we feel.  We can avoid getting out of a relationship that is going nowhere.  We can avoid not going back to school when we know it is the best thing for us to do.  We can avoid it until we get the signs that what we are avoiding needs to be done.  It could be to go back to school in order to land a better job.  It could be to leave a person who is abusive and that does not meet any of your needs.  I could be talking about something to a friend that needs attention.  Whatevere it is we can only avoid it for so long.  Sooner or later it comes to a head as they say and we must decide what to do and what to say next.

I admit there have been some tbings in my life I have avoided.  Oh yes I have.  I don't mind admitting it because my blog is not about everyone else, it is also about me.  I avoided getting out of a bad relationship lacking compassion and understanding.  I avoided facing the fact that someone who claimed to love me was showing me a different story that had little to no resemblence of love.  I finally had to face the fact, even after there seemed to be hope that there was not any love there.

Face what you need to face my beloveds.  Whatever it is that needs to be said, say it.  Whatever needs to be done do it or at least get on the road to doing it.  Whatever needs to change in your life change it.  Don't wait to be forced into it because that is when we are sorry later.  Do what needs to be done now and face what needs to be faced today.  Don't be in fear about it.  Be in the assurance that you know what you are doing and that you have had time to think about it.  Stop lying to yourself and just get the job done.

This will not be easy but it will be worth it.  In the end it will be well worth it.  You get to leave with your sanity and you get to be your own hero.


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