Selena Still Remembered

This evening I indulged in my former addiction, "Snapped", a show about women who commit crimes.  This episode was about Selena a Mexican singer who was at the hieght of her career.  A woman who stsrted her fan club, an opportunist type, killed her by shooting her in the back.  She had extorted money prior to killing her and was fired by Selena's manager and father.  The woman could not accept the fact that she went from a really great gig and beiing friends with Selena to nothing.  She was so shrued that she was able to get Selena to meet with her at her hotel only to end up in her death.  I think it was Selena's good hearted nature, of which she was famous for, that made it possible for this person to kill her.  Anyone who followed Selena's career knew how freindly and almost naive she was as a very young star.

When I see these crime shows played out I think about how many of us fall for people's little stories and lies.  I think about all the women who believed that their man was someone they were not only to find out they were a criminal and had killed their former wife.  One cannot help but to think about all the abuse women have undergone at the hands of some person that convinced them they were a "nice guy".  Selena trusted this woman who she hired to create her fan club and she was not only not trust worthy she bacame obsseessed with her to the point of unhealthy limits.

Turst is an issue that many of us fight with.  If one person does something abusive to us or mistreats us for a long time we become bitter and more distrustful.  Crime shows are the extreme of it but in the world there is so much abuse that we need to be in some form of awareness rather than to be bitter.  We are a small sampling of the over the top situations like the one with Selena.  In our world there are just those folks who take and take and take and give so little.  In the real world where these extremes exist there are more common occurances like the girl who takes her best friends boyfriend or the girl who went out with her friend and was talking to a guy and her friend picks him up in more ways than one.

We live in a beautiful world on one hand yet on the other every day there is a person being abused, killed or neglected.  Every day there is a child that dies from starvation.  Every day there is also a child born and the joy of that birth is more beautiful than we could ever imagine it.  We cannot let the bad stuff in life claim us and make us fearful or bitter.  On the contrary we must take what is given to us and make as much lemonade as is possible and will fit in as many pitchers as we have.

I don't mind watching crime shows on occassion now but I limit myself to once in a while now.  I use to find them interesting and they are.  What motivates people to not honor others is endless but what motivates people to love each other forever seems less endless, but it too is a truth.  There are many men who love their wives and have loved them through cancer or some other illness.  There are many people who give life to others by donating their organs and by being caregivers.  I think that is where we can place most of our effort and where we can place ours.  There is a lot of love in the world.

Yes, be aware of the truth that there is some darkness in our world and be safe in a way that you can control but when it comes down to it live the most joyful life you can fit into one day.


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