Unconcious Mind

"Our deepest unconcious beleifs determines what we get."
Susan Slumsky

It may be the on a concious level I want to feel joy and be a happy person or have a new Mercedes but my unconcious beliefs could trump that dream.  The thing is that many of us, including me were told that we would not get that far or that we don't deserve to be happy or that we are an unhappy person and we believe that unconciously.  This blocks what we conciously want, need, desire of dream of.  The unconcious beliefs we grew up with block the concious desire to do this or to have that.  This is what author of "Miracle Prayer" is sharing with us.  She is diferentiating between the concious mind and the unconcious mind.  The concious mind is the one that has me writing this blog word for word whereas the unconcious mind might be saying: "Elliott, people are not that intested in what you have to say in your blogs and not many people read the anyway.

I got up this morning (sounds like a FaceBook post, huh?) and I was looking forward to seeing the view.  Once again I was excited that I had picked the song they are using as the intro song every morning, "All About that Bass".  The song is about women who are "real woman" and it refers to a mom telling her daughter that men like a little more butt.  I happen to love the song because my daughters are part of the real women, howver even though the concious mind tells my daughter that she is beautiful as she is but the unconcious mind may say to her that she is fat and not attractive to men.  The thing is that our unconcious mind drives a lot of what we do and effects how we feel.   My concious mind tells me that I my body is fine and that a size 32 waist is not skinny but my unconcious mind tells me that I am way too thin and that most men look beefy and therefor sexy.

The fight between our concious mind and the unconcious mind is huge.  This battle may last us a lifetime but the good news is that being aware of the unconcious thoughts and intercepting them is the way to go.  When I have a thought like "Elliott, you are too thin and you look so old" I intercept it with Elliott, you are perfectly fine the way you are and being thin is not a bad thing".  I give the unconcious mind some play but not for long.  That's the trick.  I am not going to pretend that this is easy, it is in fact a life long task that I work at every day, sometimes several times a day.  I go over and over the same feeling in an attempt to decline it and to put it on the shelf.  I pray over it and I read material that is positive and that will bring light to the dark parts deep in my unconcious mind.  The times of anger as a child and the toys I broke.  The smacks in the face by people I love.  The abandonment issues related to my dad leaving me.  All of the  unconcious stuff that make me think I am unworthy of being loved or having anything.

Especially now under the situation that I am in.  Many of you know that I have battled with this cancer and the aftermath of it.  I am battling with losing a relationship and maybe losing more.  My concious self tells me I am going to be OK and not only OK but better than OK.  I will feel the joy of relaitonship once more or become a person who loves being single.  I will enjoy my own company and do already  But then there is this nagging little guy who is telling me that I will be that sad little boy again and that I don't deserve to be happy alone.  In fact he is telling me that I will have nothing, get nothing and that life is going to be dull and boring without a partner.  This is my answer.  Fuck you subconcious mind!  Fuck you and go straight to hell.  I don't believe you and know that I have not only been in love again this time it may be even better because I love Elliott more and I am in love with him most of all.  That's what really matters.

We live in the conciousness of our life.  We live in the part that we can see.  We forget about the parts we cannot so readily see and feel but they are there.  They are there no matter how much we avoid it. In order to live more fully we must address the unconcious thoughts and heal them and talk to them and leave them in the box where they can be stored for good.  We don't have to carry it around like a badge of honor or talk about it all the time.  Just when it comes up we look at it, talk through it and keep going.


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