Marilyn Monroe Speaks for Me

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worse you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. "

Marilyn Monroe 

I can hardly breathe when I read some of the things that Marilyn Monroe said and the quotes I have found of hers.  One could write a book just based on her quotes alone.  I know someone who is a big fan of hers, namely my daughter and me.  I have always loved her and in my heart always knew her to be a fine actress and one that must have fought to the end just to be.  Yet she realized a career that seems short but lasted a lifetime.  She cannot and will not be forgotten.  Every movie she is in she is an original.  No one could be her and no one could be that character.  What an amazing actress and how absolutely stunning she was in her own way. I think the thing I loved the most about her was that she was not that "barbie" figure.  She was so much a real woman with a body that was full and curved.  I always go back to when a woman saw her movie "2 Weeks with Marilyn" and her comment to me was: "I did not know Marilyn was such a slut".  I had to contain myself before I could respond, considering the source and the past comments she had made about everything and everyone.  It did not surprise me but it offended me.  I could not contain myself and out of my mouth came: "  It believe the sluts were the Kennedy brothers.".  It is hard for me to believe that even if one is not  a fan of Marilyn Monroe she commanded a certain amount of respect.   I was not just offended I was likely more like horrified and I think part of it was that here was a woman making this type of judgement of another woman who we all know suffered the consequences of being a movie star in that era where woman were almost owned in Hollwood and Marilyn butted that system.  

This quote comes to me at a beautifully perfect time in my life.  It is so true of my life.  I had the gift of being with a woman, my children's mother who loved me through the good times and the bad times.  When I was the nice little Elliott and the crazy insecure Elliott.  She loved me and saw me through times when I thought I would not make it even after we were divorced and has been my friend evere since 1974 when we were married.  There was not one instant when I felt abandoned or alone even when I did not hehave perfectly good.  

I thinkt Marilyn hit the nail on the head when she said this and she was quoted for good reason.  People who cannot be there when you are not at your hest don't deserve you at your best.  If we cannot accept a person when they are in their dark places and in their light ones then we simply are being unrealistic.  To let someone go because they would not always be or behave the way you would like them to is selfish in my view.  No one is Mary Poppins except those who are truly delusional.  People are imperfect.  People make mistakes.  People get angry, jealous, insecure and even a bit nutty at times, but it is what makes us so human.  

The interesting caviat about acceptance is when we see these movie stars who are strung out on drugs and their partners not giving up on them.  The Hollywood way is not always just about attention and red carpet moments.  These folks are human beings.  Bad boys in Hollywood have gone to jail and when they come out there she is waiting for him.  I am not saying that it is the way to go all the time but these are some of the examples of the loyalty one should have for a person we say we love.  Take the good with the bad is what I say.  I saw it in my grandparents who were married all their life until one died and the other died behind him.  Some of us would like to see relationship as a perfect union of two people but not one relationship is really like that.  In most relationships we will see some part of our partner that we may not like so much.  If we can just remember the reason that we married him or her we can get through those times and come out in the light each time.  If we support that person we love in the crazy moments we can enjoy the beautiful ones.  Even when they have cancer.  

Dedicated to those who love without conditions: Taina, Camille, Mia, Marta, Frank, Pat and Isabella and many more..... 


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