Listen With All Your Heart to You

"How is it that we can write all the books on relaionships but we do not have time to listen to the heart of our lover"
Molly Vass

Of course a woman by the name of Molly would have been the source of this quote.  So many times it is a woman who is longing to be heard, longing to be loved and longing to be told "I love you".  We have thousands of books about love yet we fail so many times to read them and to learn a lesson or two about love and loving.  We fail to listen to our loves and hear what they have to say.  We listen to our co=workers and what they say but we don't listen to our partner, our wife or husband and hear them out.  Such a simple thing to listen yet such a difficult task for many who have likely listened to the same thing over and over again and cannot find a response.  In fact some may even have a curt response.

And I come to my own story and that of a movie I just saw last night alone in  theater with three others.  This movie was about a girl and guy who met as teens.  The girl was the aggressor and in some men's eyes too agressive.  The male was shy and did not even show up for a date with her becuase he had a black eye and did not know how to face her in public.  The hit was by his own dad who was abusing him like crazy.  But I digress again.  This girl and boy fell so much in love that they listened to each others every word.  The male lead was the most attentive young man I'd ever seen in my life.  Filling her cup up with love, dancing with her and just giving her all this wonderful attention that she deserved.  She in turn lavished him with attentiveness and love.  But as luck would have it she was a rich girl whose father did not want her to marry or be with anyone like this young man who he cosidered a "hillbilly farmer".  Even though he had great grades in school and was planning to go to college.  At her party, the first he attended, lavish to the nines, the father approaches the boy, takes him to see his car collection and offers him and car and eitghty thousand for college if he would leave th girl.  As it turns out they end up broken up, not due to the dad but due to an accidental death whereby the guy ended up in jail for eight years.  He refused to see her during this time so she would move on with her life and that she did.  She married a rich guy who was an attorney and lived in a gorgeous home.  She was still just as beautiful and just as joyful as ever.  Soon a common aquaintance dies and at the lawyers office they end up each being given half of the person's home.  They end up in bed and in love again but there is still this caviat which is that she is marriend with a child.  Unselfishly he lets her go and she goes back to her life but not for long  In the end her lover dies and she gets a divorce from her arrogant, assinine husband.  She then ends up doing what she'd set out to do as a teen and seems very happy.  Her son in the meantime is hospitalized and needs a heart and ends up with her former lovers heart who was killed.  At the end of the story the son asks her if she knew this person and she said yes.  One can only imagine the conversation that would ensuee after that and there the end of the movie.

This movie was romantic and when whey saw each other again it was like they'd never been apart.  In real life things are not quite so organized.  Our ducks don't seem to be in a row where we listen an love even if we lose the person we love.  Often times we lose that person at a time when we had a verbal argument with them and they end up dead in a car accident.  It is like when my sister died and I forgot if I'd told her that I loved her.  We all wish for that kind of attentive love and someone who will listen to us and really hear us.  Yet we are both guiilty of not hearing and not listening, not beig attentive and not being given attention.  I know because I feel like I spent ten years watiing to hear something from someone who could not and would not say it.  I watied so long and I yearned for him to love me like that man in that movie yesterday.  I cried and cried afterwards as I rode home in my car.  I realized how freeing it was to know this and to be accepting of it.  I realized I was a survivor or indirect and direct neglect.  I was then happy to be alone and having taken myself out to a movie and treating myself the way I want to be treated.  I listen to my heart attentively and openly.  I listen to my beat of my own heart with love.  I do what I thought someone else would do for me.  Now I am in my purest joy.


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