What Women Don't Want

I have been thinking about this for about five or six days and that is the question of: "What do women not want". Based on my experience and later based on feedback from women here are some of the things I believe women don't want:

1.  Women do not want arrogant know it all men or the attitude of arrogance.  Women don't like men who think themsleves so special, more special than anyone else.  Men who talk about what they want you to do and not do or men who simply think themselves so smart, smarter than...

2.  Women don't want a  man "who is prettier than them" or who wants be in some competition with them.  In fact most women want a man who will allow them to be the pretty one.  I have danced salsa with women an the first thing they say is: "you really made me feel beautiful".  My thoughts around how men feature a woman is important and that a man who wants to be pretty is less likely to be a main attraction at a party or as a dating candidate.  Women don't want pretty men they want masculine well groomed men who don't need to be in the mirror longer than them or occupy the bathroom for two hours when they are going out.

3.  Women don't want men who think they knnow it all.  Know it alls!  Listen to me.  Women don't get attracted or turned on by "know it alls".  This turns a woman off and in fact would be a good reason for her to run in the other direction if this trait comes forward on even just the first or second date.  Women like men who listen to their opinions and beliefs and who are open to different trains of thought and imagination.

4.  Women don't want men who cheat and are looking at other women in person or online while in a relationship with them.  The best way to get yourself in trouble is to be with your wife and follow the women passing by your table with your eyes or your head or both.  It is insutling and it undermines relationship with a  woman.

5. Women don't love men who talk to much or gossip or judge other women or men.  Women are usually sensitive to gossip and find men who gossip girl like and for good reason.  Men who gossip or criticize are acting like the stereotype of high school girls.  They might as will be in the movie "Mean Girls" or "Clueless".  I use to know a man whose favorite movie was "Clueless".  He could not get enough of this movie and watched it over and over again.  It became obvious to me that his own demeanor was like the girls in this movie.  He found things in others that was wrong with them rather than to focus on what was right about them and loved to gossip and get the dirt on everyone else.  Of course these men rarely reveal their own shortcomings.

6.  Women don't like men who drink too much or do drugs, unless of course they are using.  Most women prefer a man who can "control his liquor" and they know that when they cannot they are candidates for trouble.  Even if they are married to this kind of man they are certainly one day going to walk out of the situation.  A man who drinks too much or is as they say a "lush" is not attractive.  If you are a man with a drinking issue or a drug issue of any kind it is best to stay single and or get help.

7. Women don't like men who are demanding.  So many times men marry or connect with women and then start to make demands.  There must be dinner at a certain time or they don't want you to wear that low cut little black dress.  Women don't want men telling them what to do but rather sharing their feelings or insecurities in an honest way.

8. Women don't like men who are crabby or moody.  Women would rather a man do what they need to do to find their joy and get help with their issues.  They don't want to be the recipient of the crabby attitude or darkness.  Wome would rather a man go somewhere, have some alone time and come home in a better state of mind than to come in with a crab on their shoulder, spending an hour or two dealing with Mr. Negativity.

9.  Women don't want men who don't have a good sense of themselves.  Insecure men make women worry and insecurity is not a turn on for them.  If anything it is extra work for them to build you up when you should build yourself up and get the help you need to not be so insecure but rather to get a sense of who you are.


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