You Gotta Laugh

I have decided to watch a movie with Pee Wee Herman.  Something about a circus.  I use to just love him and the whole incident with him did has not detered me or my adult daughters from thinking him a funny guy, likely one of the best.  Not everyone likes his brand of humor but we love it.  When we saw the movie where they stold his bike we roared laughing about it.  Of course getting ones bike stolen is not so funny but in the movie it was aprapo.

My motto as of today is goig to be "you gotta laugh".  I have not beend doing enough laughing although I smiled a lot and I do mean a lot.  Despite the challenges about me and around me I have made it my goal to laugh and to even sing in the car on the way home from the grocery store.  I was telling someone on the phone today "What's the alternative?"  and yes what is the alternative?  It is OK with me to cry but I think that stage advanced to laughter and fogiveness and more laughter.  Now my biggest goal is to laugh and so today I am starting with this moive with a man who I just find funny from the word go.  Just the way he runs and moves is enough to crack me up not to mention the way he dresses.  He runs with one hand in the air.

In actuality Pee Wee is a handsome man who plays a character that seems dumb.  In one scene there are children staring at him and he states: "why don't you take a picture it will last longer" when all the six kids take out a camera and begin snapping shots at him and his teacher girlfriend.  She is irritated with for having encouraged the kids to take pictures.  In anohter scene he pretends to like the egg salad sandwhich which he flings in the air behind her back.  He then asks to put his figures through her hair and of course they get stuck in her hair and she begins screaming from pain.  He leaves her hair tangled and looking quite badly.  Then as if things were not bad enough he lays his head on her lap and birds crap on his face.

Some days all we need is a healthy laugh.  Some good Three Stooges episode or a moovie with Pee Wee could be the right remedy.  Seleciting a movie that is upbeat or funny is good medicine.  I personally suggest a good slap stick comedy like those great old ones with Jerry Lewis where he plays a woman.  So there you have my profound and deep feelings about laughter and feeling good.  It is a good escape and I personally think it's the perfect way to drive the blues away.  In this movie talking  pigs and horses add to the depth of the stupidity and fun.  I leave you with this thought.  I don't really give a shit if people are laughing at me or with me.  All I care about is that I am laughing.  That's my original thought for today.  Freaking profound isn't it?

I am not so bad at being funny.


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