Make Something Out of Nothing

I must be on a roll today.  Getting ready to leave for my physical therapy but needing to share this idea of "making something out of nothing".  To be clear we, I am constantly making something out of nothing.  I think something bad is going to happen if I do this or say that and nothing happens.  In fact if I am honest I get the best results.  But then there are these people who make something out of nothing knowing good and well that the person did not intentionally hurt them like the ones who sue people for tapping them with their car when they were crossing the street, even though they don't so much as have a bruise on them.

I remember this woman who received a few texts from her girlfriend who as mad about something she said in an email.  Not only did she make something out of it, she literally wanted the woman to go to jail.  Granted she sent her to hell in a basket but must we react so severely?  This person called the police, filed a report and turned it into a court case.  Although she would have liked the former friend to fry in jail, maybe be starved, to her surprise her friend only received a few community hours.  In court my understanding is that the woman aplogized to her and that the room was so silent a pin could have been heard drop.  She smurked at her former friend and that was her bodily response.  It was a case of something that should have just been forgotten and let go but she could not find it in her heart to do so even though her friend had just had a battle with cancer of the breast and she knew it.  There standing in front of her with a cast on her leg was of no consequence nor did she feel any compassion for this person.  The "culprit" aplogized to her even though she was not required to do so but again that had not effect on her forgiveness.

As i take my own journey in life I seek to be forgiving and not make a mountain out of a moe hill as they say.  I am going to lead myself to love myself and not allow the lack of forgiving in others to effect my decisions.  I say forgive that lady and forgive the person you have a grudge about.  Mostly forgive yourself.  Try not to make something out of nothing.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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