What Woman Want

I think If I were to share some of the things women want men would either be very surprised or think themselves pretty clueless.  Clueless because a lot of what women want men have heard it before and some of what women want men want and want to give.  It is not rocket science and it is important to note what women are saying they want and need from men.  Primarily women in relationships with men.

1.  Women want to know that they are not just an object of your physical attraction and sexual need to be with them.

2.  Women would not mind some help around the house.  A big turn on is when men do the laundry or the dishes.  For a woman this is a way to truly thank them and also show that you are doing your part.

3.  Women want to feel safe with you.  They want to know that you are watching their back, that you HAVE their back.

4. Women would like to be cuddled and held not just be approached on a sexual level, asked to be physical and then you walk away.

5. Women want to be treated like an equal.  I say that if you treat your lady the way you treat your friends it will likely be in an equal way.

6. Women like to be complimented and it makes some women feel beautiful and hence react in a way that is loving and connected to you knowing you find them  attractive and that the work they put into looking good is not in vain.

7.  Women like flowers, cards, poems, jewlery and other little gifts that say I love you, especially on special occassions but not limited to birthdays or Valentines Day.

8. Women want to be heard.

9.  Women want to be respected, honored and seen.

10.  Women want to be given the chance to show that they can do a job just as well as any man.

11.  Women want help rearing your children.  The want a partner who gives them some time off from the kids and who participates.

12. Women like gentlemen.  Most women like their door opened for them and for you to walk on the outside of the sidewalk  closest to the street.

13. Women love a good  sense of humor and in fact like to laugh a lot.  Women tend to laugh more than men and men need to laugh a little more and be the source of laughter and joy.

14. Women want men to be men.

15. Women like men who are honest and  about their feelings.  They want to see your feelings about them and men tend to hide them out of ego or pride.

16. Women want men to step up to the plate when they need them.  They want to be able to depend on him when there is a need.  Whatever that need may be and whenever that need arises.

17.  Women want men to take care f themselves and not have this needy need to be taken care of.  This does not mean that she would not take care of a man in a love relationship but she should not

have to be the one to take care of you all the time.

18.  Women love self sufficient men.

More later...


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