For Men Only

I thought if I started by saying "For Men Only" it would get more attention.  I hope that women read this as well but I am on a personal quest to invite men whow are willing, to come to a better understanding of women.  To understand women better and to become a part of the solution in all things female, never mind equal pay because that in itself is a mind blower.  That we would be at a place where women are still struggling for equal pay for doing the same job a male is getting paid more to do.  But I digress.  Today is only about what turns women on and what turns them off according to all the women in the sixty years I have been on earth including and not excluding my grandmother and great grandmother.

My great grandmother wanted peace.  She was eighty two when she died and I was about seven.  I won't ever forget the many days she waited for me on the porch until I got home from school.  Her joy was to be sitting on the porch in the daytime and praying in her room every night.  In between time she was sitting on her end of the sofa, she claimed it and being silent.  She was a woman of few words and she lived with my grandmother and grandfather, her daughter and son in law.  For me even today it is amazing to think that any person could live with their son in law and daughter and not have any conflicts but they did not.  My great grandmother was all about peace and serenity.  She was never loud nor did she shed a tear.  She was a strong woman that was spiritual.  That was my experience with one woman.  To this day I think most women just want peace in their home.  They want to feel safe and it they are older they truly want to have a balanced and carefree life.  Certainly not a complicated life.  The feminine energy is peaceful and it seeks peace most of the time.  Women have been the catylist to the peace offerings on this planet and have often spoken up about the perils of war.  As much as possible a man can see to it that he respects those times when a woman he is with just wants peace and my suggestion is that he find his own peace.  Maybe in the same room but not on the same chair.  Understanding this about women will go a long way for men.  Rather than to interpret it as someone being angry at you because they are quiet, take it as a sign to move out of the path of peace and allow it to unfold.  Praise it and support that entity in a woman.  Most of all find your own form of peace.

Safety.  I think that aside from peace women want to feel safe and for good reason.  Men have done some damaging things to women including physical and verbal abuse never mind the many women killed at the hands of a man.  But let's not look even that deeply yet.  Let's just look at making an effort for our loved ones to feel safe.  Our wife, our girlfirends and our women friends all have that need to feel safe.  It is not always safe for women and I believe it is in part the responsibility of men to help make women feel safe.  It does not mean that women cannot do it for themselves but we can become a part of that equation and be there when any woman needs to be helped out.  Women want to feel safe and it is not just the big things.  It is even the little things like having a partner they know hs their back and expresses it.  The fact is that men are usually bigger and stronger physically than men.  We can be of help and we owe it to women to step it up.

Some women will ask you not to open the door for them or stand on the outside of the sidewalk Some women will laugh at you if you say you will protect them no matter what.  That you are there to watch their back.  If that is the case then we as men need to honor that.  It is really not about being stronger or protecting women.  This is about getting on board and respecting women.  Not looking at the injustice and ignoring it but rather beocming a part of the solution and putting your money where your mouth is.  It may seem harsh yet as men we are missing the obvious.


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