Hurry Do Something Positive

My daughter who inspires me so many times sent me a devotional about a woman who was bashed by another group of women on social media.  She was so hurt about it when one friend informed her that she cried about it and could not get her errands completed that day.  She thought a lot about what to do and of course one of them was to defend herself.  In the end she decided that she would do something positive and loving and do it right away.  Find a need somewhere and meet that need by doing something for someone else.

The thing about people gossiping about us is that it comes from a place of hurt the article continues to say.  She finally took the situation and thought about how hurt the people were who decided to do what they did.  How much hurt it must have taken to influence them to make her the topic of judgement and the topic of unkind acts.  That is how we must look at these situations.  Injured people say mean injuring things about others.  Injured people talk about others in ways that are not nice.  That is just the truth and when we see that we can shelf the hurt and walk away from it.  We can understand the motivation and not personalize it as much.

I know how she felt and most us could likely think of a time when we were hurt about others talking about us in a way that was negative and hurtful.  I will never forget (I have forgiven) the fowl email I received from a person who was connected to another person I was close to.  It was seething and it was so fowl and judgemental that I was frozen and did not know what to do.  I thought about defending myself and I am happy to say that I didn't and so in the end I only responded with a few words that noted her anger and said I would not participate in it.  I ended it with god bless you, even though I believed her to be an atheist.  To this day I have the email saved to remind me of how well I was able to handle it.  Don't get me wrong I reacted at first to it and every person I love got news of it.  Each person defended me and affirmed me.  It was what I needed to do.  Yet I pride myself in the fact that I never responded to her in the same ugly way she responded to me.

One day each of us will be tested by this kind of situation.  I am experienced at it because at one time I was a teacher and I heard it all said.  Kids said and wrote things about each other that were incredibly mean.  Each time I did not ignore it but rather talked about it and how hurtful it is to say things about others that is negative to their spirit.  I always instilled that we are brothers and sisters.  To this day that is how I feel.  We are brothers and sisters and what we do to one another we are doing to family.  We are all family in God's world, this place we call earth.

The next time someone says something or you say something to yourself that is negative and unloving stop and think about it for a moment and do the next right thing as this woman in the devotional shared.  Just do the next right thing and do it right away.  Which reminds me that I need one more cup of coffee so I can get to my smoothie so I can go work out..  I have already forgiven that person who wrote those hurtful things that included that I did not have a heart, but I won't forget it because my healing depends on remembering how much that hurt me so that I am not placed in that situation again by me.


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