Update On Me

I just realized that I have a chest scan at noon on Monday.  I am so hoping they will not ask me to drink that nasty milk shake like solution.  It gave me the runs last time, sorry to be so graphic.  They found some nodes on my chest in previous xrays and want to make sure they are not cancer and growing.  I cannot believe how fast cancer grows but now I know it from experience not to hesitate.  I am praying that in addition to the lymphedema I don't have some other health issue.  In my heart I just know that whatever the outcome is that I must be ready for it and that I will be able to handle it.

For those of you who are praying folks I ask for your prayers.  For those of you who are not I would ask that you simply keep me in your thoughts.  My spirit is in tact still.  Sometimes I think it is a surprise to me and to others but I keep doing my best to accept what I am dealt.

There are so many loving people in my family that are praying and wishing me well.  I could not make it without that energy behind me.  I know it is spiritual and it's god energy that gets sent to me via his or her messengers.  So there you have it, my update.  It seems like October 13 came to me really rapidly without notice.  Maybe it is best that it crept up on me like that.

Thanks to all my beloved family, especially my daughters and my sister and brother.  Oh yes, and my mom.  I am feeling them cheering for me behind the bleachers where I am sittting and waiting for the team to jump up.  I am such a lucky guy.  I feel so very blessed.  I know that goddess will come through for all of us.  I have no fears.  Fear is an illusion.  Only love is real.  I know this because we were born with love.

Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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