Stay in Your Heart

I was having dinner watching family feud and apparently a commercial came on that made the statement "stay in your heart".  All of a sudden I felt myself with a sense of relief.  It was as though that message was for me in this moment here and now.  After spending the day at the health club, shopping and then getting some food items and a little gift for my brother, I felt jubilant.  I was so happy until I sent a text to the wrong person.  It was not a highly offensive text but it was something I did not want her to get and know of.  But as life would have it she was a C contact like the person who was to receive it and there you go.  I could not help but to call the intended party to bitch and moan about it until she said she'd done that and that one time her friend, a teacher, sent a text to her principal by mistake criticizing her to another teacher.  I felt much better.  Surely my error was not as serious as that one and the text will likely be forgotten or not given a second thought.  I then text ed this person about a check I agreed to send her.

This staying in your heart is so true and real to me.  I was not in my heart when I sent the text and I was not sharing something out of sharing it but out of a form of gossip.  Luckily I was not as colorful as I can sometimes be.  There is still hope for me.  I then recalled what my friend May said: "don't put anything in writing as it will come back to bite you a lot of times".  My brother also said if I need to say something naughty to say it to the person's face because at least then it will be their word against yours.  For this very reason I have gotten myself into some hot situations and am dealing with one as we speak.  Don't ever put anything in writing is going to be my motto from now on.  Even my blog is going to be careful not to mention names and places.

In the social media world as I call it: Face book, Tweeting and all that, I have come to see that it's becoming dangerous.  People posting pictures of themselves on vacation and then getting their home broken into.  Parents putting their kids pictures on line and then a child getting kidnapped.  We are constantly outside our heart and in this ego place.  Our kids are cuter, our life is more exciting, we have the nicest clothes and we are the best of the best.  It's a contest that has nothing to do with  our heart.  We get so far away from being and staying in our heart that we lose sight of what is real and what is more meaningful in life.

I love this commercial whichever one it was that would make such a statement like this.  Stay in your heart.  That is all I need to recall and remember day to day.  To stay in my heart.  I can barely breathe some days because I am not in my heart but rather in my head or in my brain or in my ego.  I must remember to stay in my heart and that is what I will say to myself repeatedly: "Elliott, stay in your heart".  Elliott, don't get out of your heart.  Stay in it.  Stay boy stay there.  This is all we need to remember and repeat to ourselves when we are gossiping or acting as though we are so all that cool when really we are allowing deceit and stupidity to take over.  Not that I want to judge myself as stupid but the truth is that it is kind of dumb.  When we stray from our heart all kinds of things happen.  We find ourselves in all types of situations that are not good for us.

I want to stay in my heart.  I have the intent to stay in my heart.  I am going to stay in my heart as often as possible and if I make the mistake of not doing so I will notice it, take note of it and get back in my heart.  I learned this a long time ago and I know that it works.  We just have to repeatedly remind ourselves of it.  Staying in our heart is the hardest thing of all but God knows it is the only good place to be, for you and for me.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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