Marilyn Said

"It's better to be unhappy along than to be unhappy with someone" 
Marilyn Monroe 

This one hits home because my grandmother use to say: "Es mejor estar solo que mal acompanado" which in English means: It is better to be alone than badly accompanied.  (with someone that is not good company).  I have often times thougth about what she said and how this manifested in my life so many times, at times when I was not paying attention to how I felt and the times I stayed in a relationship just to be in one even if I was not happy.  Monroe makes an even better point because one can be unhappy all by yourself.  It is worse to be unhappy and be with someone or in a relationship where joy is either stolen from you or you allow it to be.  Either way it doesn't matter because being in a situation with a partner who does not show you love or demonstrate it is not worth the toll it takes on your heart or spirit.  

Women know this and yet they have stuck with men who are unhappy and who bring darkness so often times.  They are disatisfied with the way the relationship is going but they stay anyway. Sooner or later they find that staying is not the answer and that in fact staying is worse than leaving.  Letting go is a process when you are not happy inside the circle of relaitonship with another person.  

Others will say, "I can be bad all by myself" and I think that to mean that one can be miserable all by ones self, rather than be with someone and feel bad.  It is so sad that one can be with a person who is uncaring or unfeeling, feel badly and still stay.  It is so sad that fear makes us stay whatever that fear is.  Being alone, not being economically ready or prepared or just that terrible feeling of getting up in a house by yourself.  I know that feeling yet now I can honestly say that there are more often times when I feel best that I am alone and get up by myself when I want at the time I want and under the circumstances I want.  Before I would get up thinking up ways to make someone else happy and how I would need to behave in order to make him love me or accept me.  Even the music I played had to be tailored and censored.  

To be alone and unhappy is much better.  To be along and happy is much more fun.  When you are alone and unhappy you just have you to blame or to love back into a happy state.  When you don't have that other person there nagging you or finding fault in you it is much nicer and it feels like whatever happens does so organically without interruptions or judgements.  You see how happy you can be without another person there telling you who you are, what to be, what to say or not say.  You have one goal which is to be at peace with yourself.  

I love Marilyn Monroe and know now that she was much like any other philosopher.  She had something to say of importance  and for years no one heard it.  In one of her quotes she mentions that one has to die to get attention or kudos.  It is a shame that this was true of her and many others.  It is better to be happy alone than with someone and it is better to be unhappy alone than with someone I say.  Today be that person for yourself and bring that light to yourself.  You don't need anyone to be sad or happy and in fact it is better to experience your feelings as a single person born to have those feelings.  

I remember the times I cried bent over in the bathroom, waling like a baby with the door closed while I was married and the person was in the next room right outside the door.  Never once did that person knock on the door to ask me if I needed something, anything.  It was as if I were invisible.  On other occassions I was told that I "played up victim".  I never allowed myself to be seen and today I am glad of it.  I cried alone and I feel to my knees alone.  I felt my feelings alone and I prayed to god to help me through it alone.  I felt the pain alone (without a partner) and I was literally abandoned.  The beauty of it was that I had family and friends love me to this day where I am here and now.  I can be bad, sick, sad, unhappy all by myself.  
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez 


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