Thank You All

It feels like it is time to thank everyone out there for their role in my life and for their loving support, kindness, prayers and loving me.

To my daughter Camille:
I want to thank you Camille for being there during some really rough times when I was in a lot of pain and sobbing from emotional and physical pain.  I want to thank you for being there on days when you took your work lunch to be in the office with the doctors and care enough to hear it all first hand.  It took a lot of courage for you to do this for me.  Thanks for listening to me during all those times when I needed an ear.  I think of all the people in the family you have seen the most because you have had the courage to not turn your face and look at this situation with me head on.  I think that your faith is what has helped me face the next phase of my battle with cancer.  I feel like your faith ad committment and your compassion really has built me up and allowed me the room to just feel my feelings without any judgement and without any refuting them.  I see you as my strong little girl who has seen more and expeirenced more than a lot of women your age.  I am very proud to call you my daughter and friend.  Thank you from the very core and center of my heart.

To my daughter Taina:
Your strength has come in the form of keeping that focus on the prize and from all the encouraging messages.  You have shared what a good fatheer I have been to you and complimented me even at times when I have been an emotionaly mess.  You keep that "stiff upper lip" and at times that is the message I need to get and it has helped me to keep a stiff upper lip as well.  You have been honest with me about what I need to do and how to address my feelings and illness.  That has been helpful to me.  You are a compassionate and loving woman who has a lot on her plate and yet make the time to contact me and send me loving thoughts.  I appreciat you with all my soul.  Thank you my lovely butterfly, thank you so so much.

To Lucy:
My dearest former wife and current friend.  You are a light in my heart.  You have done all that you know how to be of support to me.  You never give up on me and you never judge me.  You smile at me and I feel so accepted and safe.  You have been a source of strength to me and a source of kindness and compassion.  To have been marrieed to you was special and to still be your friend incredibly honoring.  I want to say that I love you and that I thank you for loving me in spite of all my character flaws.

To my sister Marta:
I ended up in your home from one day to the next at your doorstep I showed up.  You invited me into your life and shared everything you had with me, everything.  The love I received and the acceptance was beyond great and honoring.  It was exactly what I needed.  I recall the mornings of decadent food and coffee and chats that meant something valuable to me.  You always had something to say to me and you always stayed focused on what I needed, being honest and concerend for me.  I felt like I could be anything I was at the time and did not have to censor myself.  I loved getting to know you better and being looked in the face and told how much you loved me.  I learned so much in such a short time about food and about taking care of myself.  What a special person you are to me.  A friend , a mother figure, a sister and one of the best people I know.

To my brother Frank:
Who knew?  I recall thinking when we were kids how different we are.  Now I don't see a lot of differences between us because I have become closer to you.  All the little things you have done for me and all the loving acts of kindness have made me feel closer to you and to see you more clearly as a brother and friend.  I have always thought you to be a good man and I still feel that way.  I see your generousity with your time and talents.  Putting speakers in my home, finding them for me and working with you truly proved to me that you and I can be a team.  A team of brothers who care about each other and compliment one another as human beings.  Your strength has helped me and your acts of service helped me to get through it all.  This fight is not over my beloeved hermanito.  It has just begun.  Thank you for loving me and for being so kind to me.


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