4 Ways to Ring in the New Year 2

With day one upon us many are thinking about ways to invite the new year in doing something that is meaningful and might even make a positive impact on our lives and that of others.  I want to invite all of you to bring in the new year with a big bang and to truly make it happen in a way that is not just meaningful, it is also fun and light hearted.

Here are four ways to ring in the new year:

1.  Join a group
Join a group of people that align themselves with something you are interested in learning more about or something you would like some support with.  There are usually groups in your area that meet in public organizations whether it is a cancer support group or a book club.  Start the new year meeting new people that have some of the same interests as you do.  There are riding groups, sports leagues and jogging groups.  Pick one that you think most suits your needs and wants.  If you have never been in a group it is a great experience and a chance to share your interests with like minded people.  The list of the kids of groups is endless.  Find one that you might enjoy.

2.  Take a Class
Take a class at your local college.  See what they have to offer by visiting them.   If not your local classes at the park district in your area.  The objective is to not pay a lot of money for the class and that is what local colleges and organizations offer to the public.  You would be surprised at how many different classes there are out there to enjoy and start a new lease on life.  Make your choice one that you have wanted to do and something you know you would enjoy.

3.  Workout Program
A program that focuses on your physical well being is another great way to start the new year.  Remember that it is not about looking great it is about feeling great.  It is not about losing pounds it is about being healthy.  Your workout program could be light, medium or hard.  You could take a light Yoga class or a hard core Boot Camp or Boxing class.  Make it fit your interest and need.

4.  Have a Party
Celebrate the new year with a party with your close friends.  Plan an activity where everyone can chat about what their ideas are around the new year and what their plans are.  In this way you will provide a support system for yourself and for your friends.  Ask each other for support and make a sisterhood or brotherhood pact to check in with each other and ensure that everyone is there for each other.  Make a deal around checking in with each other every two weeks and every one getting together one time a month to review each other's progress and cheer each other on.

These are just four of the many ways to bring in the new year.  What are some of your ideas on how to invite the new year in?  Get a group of your friends together and find ways to support on another formally or informally.  You don't have to approach the new year and your evolution all by yourself.  We are all connected and we owe it to each other to be there for one another.  Find out what it is you would like to do that most and make it about growing and not becoming successful or impressing others.  Take that journey to our highest energy and do so with joy in your heart by reaching out to others.


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