The Path to Forgiveness

I have been thinking once again about forgiveness and the path to forgiveness.  How does one forgive others for things that one legitimately feels are serious offenses?  How does one let go of the ego center and rise above to the forgiving light?  What does one do after being shot down so many times by the same person?  Do we forgive and then become friends with the people who betrayed us?  How does forgiveness happen?

Dedicate a prayer or meditation daily: 
Dedicate a prayer or meditation of forgiveness and a focus on forgiving every day for 28 days.  Each time that you pray emphasize letting go and imagine the person fading into a light.  Repeat a saying like "I am forgiveness and compassion" or any other saying that might be of help in forgiving any person who you feel have wronged you.  Place a candle in your home or office dedicating it to the energy of forgiving and compassion.  If you have any other symbol of forgiveness or prayer place it near the candle.  It could even be a picture of the person or an item that you deem is sacred.  The important thing about this ritual is that you are ready and feeling completely sincere about it.

Write It Burn It!: 
Write down all the feelings or anger or resentment you are feeling towards this person or people and burn it, rip it up or shred it.  Make it a ritual of love and not of hate.  As you are burning or shredding it tall yourself you are releasing this to your source: God, Buddha or Goddess.  Don't read it again or save it.  Do it right after you write it.  This is also a sacred ritual and should be viewed as a self-loving ritual.

Forgive Yourself First: 
Start your forgiveness by forgiving yourself for any judgements or thoughts you have had towards this person.  Allow yourself forgiveness for the negative thoughts or opinions of this person.  Make statements like: " I forgive myself for believing that _________(name the person) abandoned me.  The truth is that he or she (name the person) did the best the he or she could. " The forgiveness statement should be phrased in  way that is not shaming or blaming yourself but rather gently forgiving yourself and with the intention of moving on.  This does not mean that you have to become friends with he person or reconnect with the family member.  It only means you have the intention of letting go and allowing yourself the forgiveness for any thoughts you have had that are not aligned with love or compassion.  People who have wronged you are not always aware of their actions and the impact it had on you.  That should no be a criteria for forgiving yourself and them.

When we are in forgiving energy we forgive ourselves for our judgements of others who hurt us and we forgive them because they are limited only to what they learned and know how to do.  People who hurt us by abandoning us were likely abandoned in some form or the other.  People who have wronged us have a limited view of life and love and are struggling with loving themselves.  The reality is that they are limited to what they know and usually have some limited skills.  That is why they did what they did and it is usual of people who are in pain and need to express it.  The thing is no to take it personally and forgive them knowing that they are in their own form of pain.


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