5 Things that WILL Motivate and Heal Us

After the journey that I have been on in the last year (almost) I look every day inside of me to determine what motivates me.  What motivates me to live?  What moitvates me to continue on in spite of what has happened in my life in the past year?  The diagnosis, the missionary work, the cancer, the treatments, the end of a relationship and the work it takes to take care of a home that is 2600 Square feet, not to mention taking care of Elliott: Me.  I know there are things in my life that motivate me and that keep me going and I would like to share those things with others.

1.  Belief and Faith in Source:
My strong belief and faith in source has motivated me to not only live each day but to live each day fully.  Without a source: God is what I select to call him or her, I would have fallen apart over and over again.  I could not have made it even in times when I was unaware of the belief inside of me and the faith instilled in me likely through those who also stood by in faith.  Beleive and have faith and you will be motivated to do and acheive and get through anything.  I contend that we do not have to have a lot of it, just enough faith and belief that will get us there to the next step: like puttng one foot in front of the other.
2.  Loving Self Acts:
I have done my best to do things for myself that I call "loving actions" each day.  It can be as small as taking a bubble bath by candle light or washing a load of clothes with my favorite sweater in it so I could wear it that day.  Loving acts don't have to be huge and powerful.  They don't have to be a certain kind of act but rather an act of love to ourselves.  For some of us it is going to get a manicure or having our brows done up.  I take myself out to  a movie or dinner at a nice restaurant as my loving act.  I might even pass by the flower shop and pick up some white roses that I love so much. When we want to lift ourselves up and become motivated to live fully we do things that are aligned with love for ourselves.  We don't wait for someone else to do it for us and I have especially figured out that you cannot get that self love by calling someone and expecting them to give it to you in a world where they need someone to lift them up more than they have the energy to lift you up.
3.  Loving People and Prayers:
I know that I go on because there are others praying for me and genuinely love me.  There is a power in prayer.  There is an incredible healing when people pray.  You can feel it.  You can feel the healing and it motivates your spirit.
4.  Getting Up, Standing Up, Starting Up:
If you can just get up and start up.  If you can just get yourself to get out of bed and start the day, this alone will motivate you to do the next thing.  Getting through the first initial part of living by getting up and doing is the very first motivation to step up to your life.  Standing next to your bed and looking down at your feel is the first of the small motivational actions in your life.  Get up, Stand up, Start up?  I will call them the three S's.  If you can get up stand up and start up then you are half way there.
5.  Write about It:
I am freed of the pain and the darkness when I write.  I think that doing so heals me and that it can be a healing agent for everyone who is willing to let the feelings and express them outwardly.  For some it will take a lot of energy out of you and for others it is flowing and healing almost in the instance that you are writing it.  Write about your feelings and this will get whatever needs to come out of you in order for you to be motivated and in order for you to heal.


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