Does your day flow?

Today was one of those wonderful blessed days.  It was one of those days that flowed.  I sense that thee main reason for the flow was that I did not think about it too much if at all.  I allowed myself to get up when I felt like it and started my day with a sense of quiet and ease.  I believe more than ever that letting life flow on it's own is mostly a good thing.  Not planning anything specific and doing things that are responsible only if it is urgent.   I usually do one responsible thing that I don't want to do but needs to be addressed like making a doctor's appointment, calling the garbage company or addressing the cable network.  Just one thing a day.  The rest of the day I have some ideas but nothing is "written in stone".  Nothing has to be done by any certain time.  For example today I called the Pension Board and asked about the W2 forms and was told they would be sent at the end of the month.  That was enough for me for today.  The rest of the day I went to the gym at about 3pm to do upper body work and then went and got myself a long sleeve T-shirt to sleep in and a jacket on sale for fifty percent off.  I also randomly stopped at the Travel Agency in the mall to ask about the air fare to go to California and hopefully visit friends.  Everything I did today was winged and done at random for the most part.  I then got home and made a great Indian dinner of chicken and rice.  A nice cup of coffee and some butter chocolate cookies and my day was perfectly spent with plenty of time to spare so that I could relax.

Tomorrow my pastor is coming to visit.  He has become more than a pastor for me.  He has become a good friend.  His prayers are a blessing to me and perhaps one of the very reasons why I am alive and feeling like I can live each day with a rare form of spontaneity.  I feel empowered by him and others in the congregation that have helped me get through this difficult time in my life.  I wanted to live in part for the love that was poured on me by people around me, my family, friends and congregation.  I have already put out the OJ glasses for the breakfast of eggs, tortillas, spinach and other ingredients for a kind of chilaquiles.  I am so fortunate to have all that I have to offer someone I care so much about and who has helped me to heal, not just physically but also emotionally.  It creates a flow for me that is hard to explain.  I feel a flow that is natural and loving.  That is the kind of flow I am talking about that each of us can experience if we let go and just allow things to unfold in our lives.  So many surprises await us.  So many dreams can happen and so many smiles can be shared.

Does your day flow.  You will know it if you don't have to make any effort for it to unfold if not very little effort.  Our day flows when we allow things to just happen without thinking too much, especially not over thinking it.  See what happens when you let things flow.  Start your day randomly and without worries.  Let yourself be free of stress and don't do anything you don't need to do.  Let life flow and it will flow.  Let life be what it is without trying to change anything or forcing anything. Let life just move with you as though you are in partnership.  When we let life flow we live it naturally and in a God like manner with love in our hearts.

Tomorrow let life flow.  You will know it flowed if you live it happily and without stress.  Live your life in a flow every time you can and are willing.  Allow yourself to love the flow and ride that beautiful wave of life.  You will know you are flowing because it will feel effortless.  Do it with intention to flow.  Tell your spirit to flow.  Ask your spirit to flow.  Say: "I am flowing with life effortlessly and joyfully knowing that my spirit flows naturally".  Repeat it until you believe it and you see the results of your intention and your affirmation to flow, flow, flow.


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