See the Sun Every Time

Today I saw the sun beaming into my two-story family room.  It was as if God had come in and touched my face.  I had received the news just Wednesday from my sister about how gloomy it was in her world.  I wished she'd come by and stayed with me as she usually does on Wednesdays to Thursdays each week, but this time she'd opted out.  I shared how sunny it was here in the "Hampton" house and how did she not wish she were here in my sunny house.  In here home all the windows are sealed with plastic and covered with fabrics and the like which of course makes it dark in her home.  This morning reminded me of how my home is always sunny inside despite the weather outside, even if it is not very sunny outdoors.  I yearn to feel this feeling of sunshine in my heart and spirit every day and like many of us that is not always how I feel when I fail to remember my prosperity.  The prosperity inside my soul.  That is the one that matters.

When I am in a shitty mood I know that the one thing that is missing is what matters, an appreciation for what I have.  When we are in the doom and gloom it is exactly what is missing.  It is our loving appreciation of life and what is directly in front of us, not loving where we are and what is there in the moment.

The other reason we fail to see the sunlight is because we allow the clouds to follow us inside instead of seeing the light beaming even through the cracks of the window or anywhere else it may appear.  We are in our own form of darkness and we bring it with us wherever we go.  Every move we make is dark and every thought we have becomes dark.  As long as we want to see the darkness we will and even though it can be inevitable at times inviting it in for too long a period of time can be exhausting.  When we get tired of being in the dark we must find our way back to the sun, the light, the lightness of life.  When you get up in the morning open those curtains and let the light in every morning.  At night turn on some lights to brighten the rooms.  Light helps us to see things differently, from a more positive and alive state.  Light therapy is what is it often called.

Seeing the sun in others is another very beautiful way to be in the light yourself.  Look at those you encounter and see them as light.  Smile at them and when they ask you how you are doing ask them the question right back.  Make everyone you see feel special and soon that same light you are sharing comes right back to you.  Laugh at life and laugh often.  Share a joke and don't worry if it's funny to others.  Keep going and looking for the light in others wherever you are.  Don't stop until you see the light beaming in front of you.  When we share our light we receive light and when we get light we keep beaming with light.

When we do things we love to do.  When we take the time to play and be irresponsible we see the sun and we enjoy the moment.  Play like a child and take a day off of work or chores or getting on the phone with your insurance company.  Don't place your worries into anything but sipping your coffee and eating a bagel with cream cheese.  Watch The View or Ellen or some light hearted talk show.  Sit in your pajamas all day long or at least until noon.  Get up and brush your teeth when you are good and ready, after the third cup or java.  Enjoy every moment and act as crazy as you like.  Color a page in a coloring book or make a collage.  Take those child like qualities and let them come out and play.  Play, play, play and then play some more.  The sun will surely come forward once you have done all you can to be a little child.

The point is that it does not have to be warm and sunny outside for you to be warm and sunny inside. Not that a vacation in the winter to Mexico won't help because it will, and if you cannot do that then let the sun inside your soul.  Let the sun inside your home.  Let the sun inside your heart.  Let the sun inside your mind.


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