Love Your Way 10 (a continuation)

In order for us to get what we want in a love relationship we must also be willing to give.  My issue has never been a lack of giving and in fact has been a continual giving for approval.  In the last relationship it was I give you take.  When that happens we are certain of one thing: We are in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Enough said.

I love Taylor Swift's new song "Shake It Off".  In fact I adore it.  It is likely one of the best examples of the society we live in: Players, playing, Takers are taking, Haters hating.  It is a cycle in our lifestyle of the "rich and not so famous".  People who take, take, take, take , take  and Haters who hate, hate, and hate.  Like Taylor Swift I must say we all need to learn to "shake it off".  It seems to easy for her yet what we know is that it is not.  She like many other young women are fighting this losing battle with men who are takers and people who are haters.  I can relate to her because I lived the life in the past and I allowed the haters to ruin things for me, giving them way too much play or attention and responding with like anger.  Today I know better so I can do better as Maya says it so accurately.  Now that I know better I can do better.  I can look at a goose and identify it for what it is and I can look at the hypocrites of the world and see right through them.  All the stories in the world won't make any difference though and nothing will change the past but the future holds a present for me that I know is going to be happy and compassionate for me.  I learned from the hate and the players and the haters to heal myself by not holding onto it.  Letting it go forever as of now because in the past I allowed others to pull my strings as though I were their puppet.  People who like pulling strings and then pointing their finger at others for reacting with like hatred.

Love your way does not mean that you receive hate with hate or that you react to hate with like feelings or actions.  In fact finding love your way requires tolerance and patience and tenacity.  It requires us to be slick and know what it is that others agenda is for us, not reacting to such agendas and hate.  Love your way is living life with grace and being easy on yourself.  Love your way starts with the love pain center and all the experiences that you will have both good and bad until you find the perfect balance between setting boundaries and caring more about how you live than what you have.  Living your life knowing that no one can hold you hostage with their money or their time.  Love your way is love with honesty and without excuses and pretences.  Love your way is divine and honest, breathless and beautiful.  It can be as effortless as it is a lot of work.  It is up to us and the chance that we select a person who is as loving and respectful to us as we are to them.  One that does not charge you for everything you eat and everything they pay for.

I have been learning to love Elliott his way.  It has been challenging because of the pain and because I  allowed one person to make me think myself less than.  I am only now taking myself back and knowing that fact is different from the truth and that my truth is that I am beautiful, smart, witty and friendly.  I am not only worth more than I think I am worthy of what I think.  When we let go of who we are and we give it all up we sooner than later realize that giving everything is not love it is stupidity.


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