Failing In Love

Failing in love does not mean that you are a bad person or someone who does not deserve to have love.  Everyone has loved and lost.  Every one has had the experience of loving someone and it not working out.  It is not a sin to have loved and lost.  In fact there are many people who have loved and lost.  It is best to accept it as a part of life.

Falling in love takes a little time.  It is a minimum of one year before you know whether that person is a good match for you.  Let the moments flow and allow yourself to get to know the person you are interested in and who is interested in you.  Move into love with courage and with the thought that it is going to be fun.  Enjoy the experience.

See what you have in common.  Take note of the things that you have in common.  What are the things that you like that he or she likes and would enjoy doing together.  Having things in common is important in the success of a relationship and if it does not work out that you have enough in common consider releasing the person soon into the interaction.

People say that opposites attract and that is likely true but it is not the truth.  People who have more things in common are more likely to stay together and endure the tough times.  People who have more things in common than not will flow easier in relationship.  Find that person who you are attracted to their way of being rather than just their physical body or face.  It is only exciting at first when you meet someone who is very opposite of you but after a while it will work against you and the other person to be too different.

When you meet someone ask plenty of questions.  Get to know them and what they like and don't like about things and about activities.  Ask questions on topics that are important to you like having children or getting a pet, even questions about where you would like to live and how you like to live. People who are very opposite in their views and desires and priorities are not likely to maintain a long term relationship without a lot of stress.  Ask the questions that make a difference to you about all the things that are meaningful to you.

Failing in love will likely happen to all of us at one time or another.  Feeling like a failure is not going to make it any better and in fact makes it worse.  Accept that you selected a person or he or she selected a person that is not aligned or a good match.  This happens all the time.  Don't stay in a relationship that i failing as  it is one where you won't be in your highest vibration and highest form of joy.  Let go in time to be loving to yourself and to that person.

I sometimes think that I must be the one person who has failed in love too many times and lost too many times.  It did not feel good to fail at love but it also does no good for us to wither in the loss and feel like we are failures.  People come and go in our life and it's natural for this to happen.  It is more rare to meet and stay with someone all our life.  It is more natural that we will experience some failure.


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