Living Today Right Now

This weekend is a busy one for me tonight and tomorrow as well.  I will prepare myself to attend a party at an art gallery of a friend's for her birthday and her good friend's birthday that they are celebrating at the gallery.  It should be fun and I am looking forward to it.  Then tomorrow I will attend church service with my daughter and a friend, have brunch with them and then dinner for my brother's birthday at a Cuban joint on Fullerton Avenue in the city close to the area I lived in.  I like going to parties and at the same time I don't miss the city living.  My peaceful and quiet environment is priceless to me and I value it more than anything.  Still this evening and tomorrow will be even more of an adventure for me now that I am living in Pingree Grove.

Each morning I wake up to the small  lake feature behind my home that I can see clearly from the windows and the sliding doors and the kitchen window.  The geese are still speaking and still flying in groups above the sky.  Every aspect of this life and home is beautiful and tranquil for me.  Here I have all that I need and want.  All the stores are close by and I even have a workout room in this clubhouse community.  Every day I am grateful for what I have and every day I am in my truth about this being what it is for now and in the moment.  I tend to my home in such a way as to show it love and feel happy to live in this place at this time.

Today I will work on my vision board for 2015 and put in it all the dreams and wishes of my heart.  I will also place all the spiritual energy into it that is important to me in my life.  This board will be for Elliott and only for me.  I have cut out words like Love, Black is Back and pictures of women dressed in black dresses representing some of the creative things I would like to do.  In fact I have collected a couple of black dresses to inspire the ones I will design and add capes and sheer sleeves to.  I would like to spend more time on my spiritual being as well and so I have cut out a picture of a person in a yoga pose.  My dreams will all be there in front of me daily to look at and quiet the subconscious mind to convince it that this is my new and beautiful journey.  I can still leave a legacy regardless of the pain and the lessons that I needed to see the other side of the darkness.  My vision and my intention is to be in my joy by doing only what I love to do and I am hopeful that God might give me back some of the normalcy I need to attain these dreams.  As I have said before the facts are different from my-our truth.  The facts might be saying it's over but the truth is saying that it is far from that.  There are still days to be lived in love and in joy.

After I get finished with this blog I will take the time to pray then meditate as I have committed myself to doing.  I want to make sure to dedicate at least 15 minutes in the day and night to a reverence of time where I honor Source and eventually make it longer and longer.  We make so little time for our spiritual practice and I think that going to service on Sunday gets our spiritual attention and then we walk out of that place of worship and forget all about that part of us.  I want to commit to not leaving my spirit in church but rather surrounding my heart and body with it every day, showing God's love and demonstrating goddess compassion to everyone and to myself.

Today is my day.  It is the only one I have for now.  I am going to take this day and feel every moment of it.  Today I am going to be inspired by every person I see and every step that I take wherever I am standing.  I want to ask you all do do the same.  Document your dreams, take the time to be quiet and in reverence to source as you see it, enjoy your surroundings fully, quiet your mind of the clutter and noise and dance at least one time this weekend and this day.  Dance like no one cares and dance like your little boy or girl is watching.
Elliott Collazo Gonzalez


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